Blue’s Clues, a popular animated series for children has been accused of indoctrinating its young viewers after releasing an LGBTQ singalong in celebration of ‘pride month’.
Many adults don’t even understand the lyrics in the singalong!
“The Blue’s Clues Pride Parade Sing-Along,” was published on the show’s YouTube channel and features a cartoon version of Nina West, an American drag queen, who leads the children in a song set to the tune of ‘The Ants Go Marching’.
RT reports: The song features words such as “queer,” “trans,” “bi,” as well as “pan” and “non-binary,” with the lyrics displayed at the bottom of the screen so that children can sing along.
For example, as a group of beavers decked out in LGBTQ and trans regalia ride by, the drag queen sings:
“Families marching four by four hurrah! Hurrah! Families marching four by four hurrah! Hurrah! / Trans members of this family / they love each other so proudly / and they all go marching in the big parade.”
One of the cartoon beavers is shown with visible “top scars” – scars from surgery that transgender men undergo to remove breast tissue. The detail was confirmed by Snopes, which “fact-checked” whether Nickelodeon intended for the pixelated lines on the beaver’s chest to represent such scars.
The video ends with West wishing everyone a “happy Pride Month.”
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