In our current campaign, How Much Truth?, we are asking for your support to not only maintain but increase the impact and reach of Mondoweiss’s journalism. We are excited to share that in the first five days, readers have donated more than in the same period for any fundraising campaign we have ever run before. You told us in our survey that you wanted Mondoweiss to deliver more, and now hundreds of you are stepping up to make it possible.
When we introduced this campaign, we explained that maintaining past levels of reader support is necessary for us simply to operate at the current level, while growth and greater impact would require significant jumps in reader investment. At the rate you have responded so far, we should be able to make even more of a difference! If more people come through as the early contributors have, we can make Mondoweiss an even greater resource for justice in Palestine. As always, we will strive to make our work useful for the many wonderful organizations that serve this goal.
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and has since helped start Al Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network, where she currently serves as Executive Director. Read on to understand why Nadia has taken the time to ask for your support of Mondoweiss. We are grateful for her recognition, appreciation and support. — Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz
Today, we are honored to bring you a letter from Nadia Hijab, one of the leading voices of the Palestine solidarity movement in the United States. In 2002 she was one of the founders of the============================
Dear friends,
I’m writing to ask you to support the work of Mondoweiss.
Mondoweiss is now an essential part of my daily reading and it’s vital that it sustains – and grows – its intellectual output. I follow Mondo as assiduously as I follow the work of the other lynchpins of our growing movement for freedom, justice, and equality – organizations like the Electronic Intifada, the Institute for Middle East Understanding, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Legal, the Rachel Corrie Foundation among so many others.
We all need organizations to achieve our rights. Isn’t it wonderful that we now have a list of dedicated organizations too numerous to mention? Just a generation ago, it was a different story (more on that below).
More personally, I support Mondo because I feel I was in almost at its birth, certainly at its transition from Phil’s one-man odyssey to an organization. This moment of transition came when Adam Horowitz and I spoke at a panel in Brooklyn organized by Naomi Allen of Brooklyn for Peace over a decade ago. Several of the organizers and participants were American Jews. They wanted to educate their fellow Jews and the broader community about the Palestinian right of return. I learned as much as I shared on this occasion and for me it was special beyond words that a group of Jews supported our rights, and especially the right of return.
Adam’s support was powerfully expressed at that panel in that quiet, thoughtful way he has. After the talk, Phil Weiss came up to him – I believe this was the first time they’d met – and asked Adam (who was much younger than either of us) how he’d been able to pursue the trajectory to rights so fast. The three of us walked out together and as I went my way, Adam and Phil walked on, still engrossed in conversation. Their journey continues to this day: And what a journey. Mondoweiss has become a unique and urgently needed news resource for our movement.
But most importantly I ask you to join me in supporting Mondo because we need it to be a thriving and growing organization – just like we need all the organizations in our movement that support freedom, justice, and equality. We cannot and will not succeed without organizations that have staff who have a decent income, who have the capacity to launch new and promising ventures to push for justice harder and faster, and who can achieve demonstrable and measurable change in the United States, one of the toughest arenas in the struggle for rights.
Our movement has come so far. When a group of us came together to build the US Campaign, we had no money. And yet we laid the seeds of an organization that has a nearly $1 million budget today with staff supporting a 400-strong coalition. When six years ago my colleagues and I founded Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network because the Palestinian people needed a policy voice that spoke to their rights, we had no money. And yet here we are today, ranked for the third year running in the best think tank network category of the Global Go To Think Tank Index. Without financial support at critical moments from those who believed in our mission and abilities, would either of these entities have sustained and grown? Mondoweiss’s history of increasing impact on the mainstream mirrors these other two organizations – examples of how thousands of people can make a difference by investing in action by those they trust.
The movement for Palestinian rights needs organizations: And organizations need money. What’s more, organizations for justice use the money well. Mondoweiss, like all the organizations I know and work with, treats the funds donated as a trust in them and their work, something to be nurtured carefully and spent wisely.
I know that Mondoweiss has important plans to grow to increase its impact further. The team plans to provide fuller coverage of US events affecting Palestine and Israel, to invest in more technology to expand its reach of compelling news and analysis, and to develop a mobile app – among other plans. These plans will make a difference to our movement, and this is why I’m asking you to join me in supporting Mondoweiss today.
Building and growing organizations needs money. If you share my goals of a free and just Palestine, please act now to sustain Mondoweiss, a critically important organization for advancing these goals.
Thank you.
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