Let me give you a helping paw: Cat pushes its friend down loft steps

Rob Cooper

Last updated at 12:41 PM on 26th December 2011

Peering over the edge, this kitten looked too scared to clamber out of the loft.

Gingerly Bella takes a step forward as she carefully tries to make her way down the steps with Kimba lurking behind her.

As the six month old kitten climbs carefully over the edge, she glances up at the white cat who is watching her closely preparing to pounce.

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Peering over: Bella looks over the edge and prepares to walk around six metres down the steps of this ladder

Peering over: Bella looks over the edge and prepares to walk around six metres down the steps of this ladder

Mischief: A Bella walks over the edge Kimba, who is around a year and a half old, watches waiting for the moment to reach out with a paw playfully

Mischief: A Bella walks over the edge Kimba, who is around a year and a half old, watches waiting for the moment to reach out with a paw playfully

Then, just as she prepares to take her fifth step, Kimba reaches out playfully with a left paw and prods Bella’s rear legs sharply.

The terrified kitten – who was not injured – is sent tumbling down to the floor below by the mischievous cat.

The hilarious incident was caught on camera and uploaded to YouTube just before Christmas.

Despite taking a heavy tumble Bella was not injured as she fell.

Over the edge: Kimba reaches out with his paw as Bella makes her way down out of the loft in this video which has been published on YouTube

Over the edge: Kimba reaches out with his paw as Bella makes her way down out of the loft in this video which has been published on YouTube

Playful prod: Kimba pushes Bella and sends her tumbling down the ladder. Remarkably, he was not injured in the fall

Playful prod: Kimba pushes Bella and sends her tumbling down the ladder. Remarkably, he was not injured in the fall

It is unclear when or where the video was filmed although it was posted by a web user in Sydney, Australia.

One viewer wrote: ‘Though I feel kinda bad for Bella that was funny. Glad she’s okay.’

Another person said: ‘I feel so bad laughing at this. I just can’t help it.’

The 11-second clip had already been viewed over 963,000 times on YouTube.

Gone: Bella disappears after being pushed over the edge. The 11-second video has already been viewed more than 963,000 times

Gone: Bella disappears after being pushed over the edge. The 11-second video has already been viewed more than 963,000 times

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The hilarious bit is towards the end when the kitten fell down amid the sound of theatrical crashing. A single cat can provide enough hilarity on its own but just imagine having two.

Talk about aCat haveing nine lives. It looks as if that little kitten needs10,Put that bully away and throw away the key LOL

I watched the video after reading that Bella was not hurt and yes I laughed! More than anything it was the loud crash that I found so amusing.To those who say Kimba is evil and should have been punished for Pete`s sake he was only being playful ! Cats are so mischievous that`s one of their traits that makes them so entertaining.

At six months she is no longer a kitten. In fact, she is old enought to have kittens of her own. Cats play and fight it’s part of their learning curve. A fall of that high is nothing. They climb and jump as part of their normal daily life. I have two cats and they are always knocking lumps out of each but never come to any harm. It’s what they do as they are territorial. It is also very cute and funny to watch and you can’t stop them doing this.

Just watch.
The PC brigade will be out in force, for pushing a child (kitten) under the age of 18.
Maybe they should just PAWS for a while before they take any action.

I wish I had had the video camera running last night. My daughter brought her tomcat home with her for Christmas and although he is a big chap he seemed somewhat nervous of our delicate little girl cat. He must have decided to retaliate during the evening, seeing Georgia climb into a cupboard he threw himself full force against the cupboard door, slamming it shut and locking her in. I’m not sure whether he will be invited back next Christmas!!

I really shouldn’t snigger…..

Excellent Evil Cat! It will make a fine addition to my Army of Doom!

– Polly, Oxon, 26/12/2011 13:53
Yeah sure…just blame the owners *rolls eyes*.

I hope its owner gave it a smack.

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