Muzaffarpur district of Bihar was left terrified on Friday afternoon after the news of a leopard being spotted in the near-by farms made way. Seen loafing around freely, the leopard soon turned violent when a massive crowd gathered around the area to witness the sight.

The struggle to catch the leopard went on for over 9 hours where all the commotion led to the wild animal attacking over 6 villagers. Although the experts were called upon for rescue, their delay of over 3 hours in reaching the spot with tranquillizers resulted in the villagers opting for other measures to capture the animal.


Borrowing a huge fish net from the fishermen of the village, they tried their best to keep the wild beast under control. However, the animal broke free terrorizing the villagers even further. Considering the massive crowd gathering, they failed to find an escape route resulting in several attacks.

It was only when the experts arrived with tranquillizers and a cage that the animal was finally captured. The injured men are now said to be out of any grave danger.