Lego artist creates life-size … anesthesia machine?

It took 30,000 individual pieces to create this work of medical art

Next time you’re wheeled into the operating room for surgery, you may want to look twice at the machine your doctor is using to put you under. That’s because artist Eric Harshbarger recently created a massive, life-sized anesthesia machine entirely out of Lego bricks.

The project was undertaken at the request of GE Healthcare, makers of the actual anesthesia machine used as the model. The finished Lego masterpiece was used as a marketing display at a medical tradeshow.

The replica looks surprisingly like the real thing — a testament to Harshbarger’s prowess. All told, it took over 30,000 Lego pieces to complete the work.

You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that recreating an anesthesia machine out of Lego is pretty hard work. To complete the project, an actual anesthesia machine had to be shipped to Harshbarger’s house. You can see the step-by-step building process at Eric’s homepage.

[via Technabob]

[Image source: Eric Harshbarger]

This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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