Kofi Annan convenes emergency meeting on Syrian crisis

Russia has vehemently denied previous suggestions that it is supporting regime
change in Damascus, notably after a meeting of G20 leaders in Los Cabos,
Mexico, where British officials said President Vladimir Putin had agreed in
principle to put pressure on Mr Assad, the president, to step down.

But in the last days, the situation has deteriorated within the country. Last
week was the most bloody since the start of the uprising, according to the
monitoring group, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which said 916 people
had been killed between June 20-26.

On Wednesday, rebels made one of their most daring raids to date, attacking a
pro-regime but private television station in Damascus, planting bombs and
killing seven people, including three journalists.

The dawn attack on Ikhbariya television’s offices was condemned by the United
States and human rights groups including Amnesty International, who said
that even if they were acting as agents of propaganda for a dictatorship,
media organisations were civilian and should not be targeted.

Ikhbariya resumed broadcasting shortly after the attack, displaying bullet
holes in its two-storey concrete building and pools of blood on the floor.
One building was almost entirely destroyed.

On Tuesday there were running battles between government forces and rebels in
the suburbs of west Damascus, and the main road to the Lebanese border was
briefly cut.

Large areas of northern Syria are now out of regime control.

Although Russia has not formally changed its stance, its foreign minister,
Sergei Lavrov, who had insisted that Iran be invited, on Tuesday said he
would attend the meeting in Geneva even if it were excluded. That marked a
victory for western countries including Britain which had said they would
not attend if its diplomats were there.

Although Saudi Arabia was also not invited, Qatar, which has led the Arab
world in opposition to the Syrian regime, and representatives of the Arab
League, which has called for Mr Assad to stand down in favour of his
vice-president, will be attending.

Turkey, which has moved closer to a war footing with Syria following the
downing of one of its fighter jets which had intruded into Syrian air space,
will also be present. TheSyrian information minister, Omran al-Zoebi,
belatedly tried to claim last night that troops may have mistaken the jet
for an Israeli plane, in an attempt to soothe relations with Ankara,
formerly seen as an ally.

Britain and America have been pushing for greater focus on the part of the
peace plan that focuses on “political transition” – the departure
of the Assads – and now believe Mr Annan shares their view that this is the
only way forward. Russia and China had previously blocked all such talk, but
diplomats believe their attitude may be changing.

“If Kofi Annan is able to lay down a political transition road map that
is endorsed by countries including Russia and China, that sends a very
different message,” Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state said.

The UN now says the violence is worse than before the ceasefire agreed in
April under Mr Annan’s six-point peace plan. Virtually none of the
conditions of the ceasefire were met, and its observers are now confined to
their bases as they say it is too dangerous to travel to areas where there
is fighting.

A report for the UN human rights council also accused Syrian government forces
of committing abuses, including executions, on an “alarming scale”,
and said that although it had been unable to come up with definitive proof
it may have been responsible for the masscre of more than 100 people, mostly
women and children, in the central town of Houla, last month. It also
accused rebels of extra-judicial executions and kidnappings.

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