King of Spain ‘is serial womaniser who made a pass at Princess Diana’

  • Book claims Juan Carlos has had numerous affairs and has not shared a bed with his wife for 35 years

Mail Foreign Service

Last updated at 9:27 AM on 23rd January 2012

The King of Spain is a serial womaniser who once made a pass at Princess Diana while she was on holiday with Prince Charles, a book has claimed.

It also alleges that Juan Carlos is a ‘professional seducer’ who has had numerous affairs and has not shared a bed with his wife for the past 35 years.

And it reveals that age has not stopped  the 74-year-old, with the monarch regularly receiving vitamin injections and anti-ageing treatments.

Tactile: Princess Diana being kissed in 1987 by the King of Spain, who according to a new book, is a serial womaniser

Tactile: Princess Diana being kissed in 1987 by the King of Spain, who according to a new book, is a serial womaniser

Together: Diana, Prince Charles and their boys with King Carlos, Queen Sofia and members of the Greek royal family onboard a yacht in August 1990

Together: Diana, Prince Charles and their boys with King Carlos, Queen Sofia and members of the Greek royal family on board a yacht in August 1990

The Solitude of the Queen by Pilar Eyre, which is likely to prove controversial in the Catholic country, claims the king made a ‘tactile’ advance to Diana while she and Charles were on holiday in Majorca in the 1980s.

It follows much-derided allegations made in 2004 by Lady Colin Campbell that the princess had a fling with Juan Carlos while on a cruise in August 1986 and then again the following April.

Controversial: The Solitude of the Queen by Pilar Eyre claims the king made a ¿tactile¿ advance to Diana while she and Charles were on holiday in Majorca in the 1980s

Controversial: The Solitude of the Queen by Pilar Eyre claims the king made a ‘tactile’ advance to Diana while she and Charles were on holiday in Majorca in the 1980s

During a 1987 visit, in which Charles
and Diana  went to Madrid, the king was pictured smiling as he kissed
the princess on the hand – a gesture which left Diana  looking

Miss Eyre’s book also alleges that Queen
Sofia has not slept in the marital bed since 1976 and only remains in
the marriage out of ‘a sense of duty’.

She even claims the queen stumbled upon her husband with one of his alleged  lovers, the Spanish film star Sara Montiel, at a friend’s country house in Toledo in 1976.

Sofia, now 73, was forced to attend a football match the day afterwards ‘as protocol demanded’, before storming out of the  Zarzuela Palace, their official residence, with her children.

Advised to stay with her husband, she was told a break-up would mean she would ‘end up being paid to liven up the parties of the newly rich’.

Miss Eyre adds: ‘The role of the queen is sad, she is the loneliest woman in Spain.’

Distant: Carlos and Queen Sofia have allegedly not slept in the marital bed together since 1976

Distant: Carlos and Queen Sofia have allegedly not slept in the marital bed together since 1976

She also told Spanish gossip magazine  Vanitatis: ‘Queen Sofia is a woman betrayed and hurt with a married life that has been a real tragedy. The king’s closest friends I have spoken to say they don’t like her.’

And she alleges that, as recently as last year, when the monarch was recovering from the removal of a benign lung tumour, he was seeing a 25-year-old German translator.

After writing the book, Miss Eyre was informed she would no longer appear on Spanish TV channel Telecinco.

She said she was told: ‘The station has banned talk about your book and does not allow you to continue working. You are banned, Pilar, we are sorry.’

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As if he’d look twice at her!

Leave Juan Carlos alone. He and Queen Sofia are both worthy of respect, and have been good for Spain.
So he has a roving eye? So what. I’d be more surprised if he hadn’t…

With Diana, everyone had a chance in fairness

The question is who hadn’t sexual intercourse with Di?

she is Royal by birth (Greek) and has been an exemplary Queen to Spain -she is an intelligent woman and an asset not only to her country but also to the numerous charitable organisations she supports. Give your criticism to those that deserve it not to those who you obviously know nothing about.
– Carol, Spain, 23/1/2012 18:10
+++++++++++ Sofia has no Greek blood in her veins. She was born in Greece but she isn’t Greek by all means.

Yuck said “What a really horrible thing to say – do you seriously think that any woman wants to see her husband, whatever his failings, die?”……….. Blimey! What kind of fluffy cotton wool world of denial do you live in? Spouses hope their partner would die all the time. My ex husband tried to kill me three times (so far) for 500,000 life insurance. It is not unusual for a wife to be glad to outlive her abusive/adulterous husband. I don’t know about Sophie, but if the article is true, it would not surprise me in the slightest if it is her wish is to outlive the old _______.

BT asked “Where are the smart, talented women who can stand on their two feet?”……………. Our Queen Elizabeth springs to mind.

This is such a “non” story.. Juan Carlos is famous throughout the world for his eye for the ladies. The only difference is that the fact the Spanish press (paparazzi including) do NOT follow him and print any juicy stories that might surface; they are discrete and, clearly, respect their King. Unlike the UK press who have no respect for anyone no matter who they are.

Many of the things Pilar Eyre says should not be taken as proven truths. Ms Eyre is a well known fixture in Tele 5 “programs of the heart” that treat about the loves, adulteries and other comings and goings of low category “celebs”. Tele 5 is the network that broadcast Gran Hermano, (BB in Britain). Ms Eyre seldom cites her sources: most of the time is “everybody knows”, “it is said”, “there are rumors”, “someone well informed told”, “a well informed source says” and so on. By the way, actress Sara Montiel was 48, ten years older than Juan Carlos, at the time of the liaison Ms Eyre reports, so the episode seems, if not impossible, at least unlikely. Previously Ms Eyre had made some Euros with a biography, based mainly on hearsay and gossip, of Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain, former Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battemberg, Queen Victoria’s granddaughter, known before her marriage as Princess Ena. It seems that Spain’s royal family has become a meal ticket for Ms Eyre.

Same type of stuff came out about the King of Sweden last year. And he married for love. As a young woman, I’m really tired of these women who are simply defined by who their husbands (or fathers) are. Jackie O, Diana, etc. included. One or two women like that in the media is fine but when all you have are these professional WAGS and celebs who can’t manage without getting naked, it’s frustrating. Where are the smart, talented women who can stand on their two feet?
– BT, Over the Rainbow, 23/1/2012 17:03
If you want to criticise women who are “defined” by their husband or celebs who cant manage without getting naked ok but do not include Queen Sofia within that group – she is Royal by birth (Greek) and has been an exemplary Queen to Spain -she is an intelligent woman and an asset not only to her country but also to the numerous charitable organisations she supports. Give your criticism to those that deserve it not to those who you obviously know nothing about.

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