KHAZARIAN CABAL: Their Rothschild Frontman, Super Stealthy MO & Greatest Challenge Ever

The Khazar-Rothschild Continuum and the Hidden Hand of History

by Douglas C. Youvan, PhD.
QAIE Virgo

In this historical narrative, we trace the Khazars, a mysterious 8th-century group, to the powerful Rothschild dynasty. Over centuries, they subtly manipulate global events. Yet, with the rise of informed generations and decentralized technologies, their influence is threatened. The outcome of this tale hinges on our active pursuit of truth and resistance against controlling power structures.

The mists of time conceal many mysteries, and among them, the enigmatic saga of the Khazars stands out. These formidable Turkic warriors of yore, who at the zenith of their power in the 8thcentury, commanded a vast realm spanning present-day Eastern Europe, emerged from the shifting sands of history with a curious narrative.

Their significant departure from their cultural norms to embrace Judaism still puzzles scholars today. In the tumultuous milieu of the Middle Ages, such a dramatic shift in religious allegiance was seen as an audacious gambit. But the Khazars were not driven by a sudden spiritual awakening or a divine epiphany. Their conversion to Judaism was a calculated stratagem, a political masterstroke devised to insulate them fromthe religious strife consuming their neighboring empires. This clever maneuver provided them with a protective veil, under which they could not only survive the religious turmoil but also gain an advantageous position in the geopolitical chessboard of the era. However, the ramifications of this conversion extended far beyond mere political survival. Under the newly adopted Jewish identity, the Khazars crafted a labyrinth of secret alliances and covert operations that allowed them to subtly manipulate the course of world events.

The machinations of the Khazars were not confined to their time; they were laying the groundwork for a grand strategy, one that would span centuries and leave an indelible impact on the annals of human history. This meticulously planned endeavor was the first step in a long journey, a journey that would intertwine the fate of the Khazars with the destiny of one of the most influential families in the world – the Rothschilds.

As the sun set on the Khazar Empire in the 10th century, the survivors of this resilient people did not fade away into the annals of history. Instead, they dispersed across Eastern Europe, carefully preserving their distinct identity and tradition. Like seeds carried away by the wind, they planted themselves in the fertile soils of new cultures and societies. They silently permeated influential positions within these societies, discreetly guiding the course of events from behind the scenes.

Living under the guise of Jewish identities, they were neither true Jews by faith nor by lineage, but they held fast to this borrowed identity. It provided them a protective cover, shielding them from religious persecution, while also giving them a platform to control economic and political systems covertly. Their influence was subtle but powerful, and the tendrils of their control reached into every significant event, gently steering the course of history.

Over centuries, these Khazar descendants, though physically scattered across Europe, remained closely knit in their shared purpose and secret alliances. They quietly accumulated wealth, power, and influence, often lending their support to emerging powers, always ensuring that they remained the invisible puppeteers. And at the dawn of the modern era, a new player entered the stage, one who would carry on the Khazar legacy – Mayer Amschel Rothschild. His meteoric rise to power in the late 18th century was no accident. It was the fruition of centuries of careful planning and patient groundwork by the descendants of the Khazars. Rothschild was the embodiment of the Khazar dream, the epitome of their centuries-old grand design.

In the bustling city of Frankfurt, Mayer Amschel Rothschild set up his small money lending business, using the funds acquired through centuries of the Khazar network. Rothschild was quick to recognize the pivotal role money played in the political landscape. He grasped the principle that the hand which gives is above the hand which takes, and money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency – their sole object is gain.

Building on this foundation, Rothschild sought to gain control over the monetary systems of nations. He loaned money to governments during times of crisis, such as wars, enabling him to dictate terms and manipulate policies subtly. The Rothschilds used this strategy to rise to prominence in the international banking scene, becoming indispensable to the governments that borrowed from them.

However, this was not an enterprise of just one man. It was a concentrated effort of a tight-knit group, the heirs of the Khazar legacy, who had held onto the reins of power for centuries. They now saw their ambitions materializing in the form of the Rothschild banking dynasty. The descendants of the Khazars had perfected the art of manipulating societal structures from behind the scenes, and Rothschild was their most successful puppet, the face of their operations. The world saw the Rothschilds; behind them stood the shadows of the Khazars.

By the 19th century, the Rothschilds had cemented their place as one of the most influential banking families globally. They financed railways that ushered in the Industrial Revolution, backed companies that colonized and exploited the resources of Africa and Asia, and funded wars that reshaped the geopolitical boundaries of the world. The reach of their influence was unparalleled. Yet, the ties to their Khazar lineage remained largely concealed, a secret shrouded in layers of mystery and deftly managed misinformation.

This era was also a time of social and political upheaval. The French Revolution, the American Civil War, and the rise of nationalism across Europe were all influenced, in some way or another, by the machinations of the Rothschild family and their Khazar backers. The complex network of Khazar power brokers, descended from their medieval forebears, remained a formidable and unseen force in global politics. The Rothschilds were the visible face of this clandestine group, while the legacy of their

Khazar origins continued to silently shape world events. These centuries of manipulation, carried out behind a veil of secrecy, laid the groundwork for the modern concept of the ‘Deep State’, an invisible network of power brokers and influencers that work behind the scenes to shape policy and maintain control. This

term, though applied globally, finds its roots in the descendants of the Khazars, and their complex interweaving of finance, power, and secrecy.

The Khazars, now Rothschilds, had gone from being a forgotten empire to the shadowy puppeteers of the modern world.

In the present day, we can see the echoes of this Khazar lineage in the ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The subtext to this conflict, largely unspoken in mainstream discourse, carries the vestiges of ancient grudges and hidden machinations. As descendants of the Eastern Slavic tribes that once lived in the shadow of the Khazar Empire, the Ukrainians find themselves once again in the crosshairs of a conflict that traces back to the Khazars’ cunning strategies for power and control.

The manipulation of narratives, the financing of conflict, and the covert exertion of influence – hallmarks of the Khazar descendants – are visible in the complexities of the Ukraine crisis. Meanwhile, Russia, with its own historical ties to the Khazars, becomes a key player in this centuries-old chess game. Putin’s actions, often misinterpreted through a simplistic lens of power politics, can also be read as a direct challenge to the descendants of the Khazars and their global machinations. The ongoing crisis is not merely about territory or influence; it is the latest episode in a drama that has been unfolding since the days of the Khazar Empire.

We find ourselves on the precipice of a new era where the machinations of the Khazars, veiled in the guise of the Rothschilds and the modern ‘Deep State’, face new challenges. As the world grapples with issues like climate change, income inequality, and the erosion of democracy, the descendants of the Khazars find their age-old strategies tested by these unprecedented global crises. Their grip on power, maintained through secrecy, manipulation, and control, is under threat from the very forces they have set in motion.

In the grand finale of this historical spectacle, the strategies employed by the descendants of the Khazars face their ultimate test. As a new generation arises, more informed, more connected, and less influenced by the traditional media and structures that have long been manipulated, the foundations of the Khazars’ power begins to shake. This new generation, equipped with unprecedented access to information and an increasing distrust of institutions, starts to question and challenge the narratives presented to them.

Simultaneously, the rise of decentralized technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrency pose a direct threat to the financial power held by the Rothschilds and their associates. These technologies promise a future where financial control is democratized, breaking the monopoly of traditional banking institutions and potentially disrupting the power structures that have been carefully built over centuries.

In this climactic turn of events, the descendants of the Khazars stand at a crossroads. Will they adapt to these changing circumstances and find new ways to maintain their influence? Or will they resist, clinging to the familiar tactics of manipulation and control, only to find themselves swept away by the tides of history?

The final chapter in the tale of the Khazars is yet to be written. It’s a chapter that will be shaped by our actions, our choices, and our willingness to seek the truth behind the power structures that govern our world. Whether we stand by as passive spectators or take up the role of active participants in this historical drama is entirely up to us.



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