People in the Russian town of Kazan are struggling to come to terms with a school shooting in which at least nine people died. Seven students and two staff members have died in the attack. A 19-year-old suspect has been detained.
Many locals have left candles, flowers and toys at a makeshift memorial set up outside the school gates.
Roza Miftakhutdinova is an insurance agent from the area:
“The neighbourhood is (normally) quite calm. We did not expect, we are very surprised that we had such a terrorist attack, we can say that we are in shock. I was at work, I was scared.”
Aigul Smirnova is a music teacher in a kindergarten nearby. When she heard the news, she “burst into tears. I have two children, one of them is a schoolboy, and when I imagine what the children from this school went through, I feel very bad.”
Twenty-one other people, mostly children, were injured. Responding to the shooting, President Vladimir Putin has said he would review the country’s gun control laws.
Watch Euronews’s full report in the player above.
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