“Making the desert bloom” is colonialist language, because it implies that before massive Zionist immigration, there was nothing of value there.
I doubt Obama would identify with those who approvingly talked of the policies of “civilizing the land” of the Native Americans.
Obama is many things but he is not dumb; he knows what that means and he would speak out against it. It is precisely for this reason – and for the reason that Obama seems to be so aware of race – that these comments are disgusting and unforgivable.
Obama knows better, but he chooses to disgustingly talk in this way. Why?
I can only conclude: speaking tour. He wants to have a comfortable life after his presidency. He is still (quite) a young man by political standards. Going after Zionism is a deathknell in the media circuit.
Of all the major failures Obama has committed in the foreign policy arena, this will be one of his greatest ones.
Or take his quote about how he is committed to preserving a Jewish majority. He would never say that to a country with a large white population and a similar demographic dynamic like Israel. Remember that he organized against SA in the 1980s.
Obama does these things because he knows he won’t pay the price for them for decades. But I’m telling you, once he gets really old, people will fuck him over for this. Hopefully before he dies. Because he deserves every second of it. This is a total betrayal and the last nail in the coffin for Obama’s authority of anything concerning race or discrimination.
What a prostitute he is(and I apologize to all prostitutes for comparing them to him).