Lhook Design/Promo image
Concrete has its uses, but the manufacture of cement and the excavation of aggregate is a huge environmental problem. As I noted in a previous post about creative uses of the stuff, Let’s Nip This Design Trend In The Bud.
And if concrete furniture wasn’t bad enough, now we have a concrete chandelier, designed by Seth Ellsworth of design shop lhooq, appropriately titled “my light is heavier than yours”, which it certainly is.
The six foot version shown in the photo weighs 90 pounds, but somehow appears to float with no visible means of support.
Lhook Design/Promo image
There is some small logic to this; the designer has it outfitted with incandescent bulbs. The concrete will act as a thermal mass, storing the heat given off by the bulbs and acting as a radiator, much like the Gluh Lamp brick heater I showed a couple of years ago. All the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice and Michele Bachmann fans should run out and order these immediately. Seth really could get away with the tag line from the German Heat Bulb people: “It’s not a light, it’s a heater!”
More at [lhooq]
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