Just 17 teachers are struck off for incompetence in 10 years

Jason Groves

Last updated at 3:55 AM on 30th December 2011

Under pressure: Education Secretary Michael Gove

Under pressure: Education Secretary Michael Gove

Only 17 teachers have been struck off for incompetence in the last decade, revealed official figures last night.

Despite widespread concern about declining standards in schools, the numbers suggest it remains virtually impossible for bad teachers to be kicked out of the profession.

The figures from Schools Minister Nick Gibb showed that in the period from 2001 to 2011 just 17 of England’s 400,000 teachers were struck off for ‘professional incompetence’.

The sanction from the General Teaching Council for England prevents failing teachers from applying for another job in education after being asked to leave a school because of poor performance.

Over the same period 211 teachers were struck off for misconduct.

Ministers insist they are already acting to make it easier for schools to remove teachers who are failing their pupils. The drive to create more academy schools is also  giving headteachers more power to hire and fire.

But the latest figures will put pressure on Education Secretary Michael Gove to go even further in rooting out incompetence.

Tory MP Chris Skidmore said: ‘These figures offer another lesson in how the last Labour Government failed to focus sufficiently on ensuring rigour and standards in the classroom.

‘Most teachers do an exceptional job. But for the profession to get the respect it deserves and for pupils to get the best start in life, it is vital that poor performance is rooted out, not swept under the carpet, like it was under Labour.’

Declining standards: In the last 10 years only 17 out of Britain's 400,000 teachers were struck off for incompetence

Declining standards: In the last 10 years only 17 out of Britain’s 400,000 teachers were struck off for professional incompetence (file picture)

Tory sources pointed out that the figures coincide with a period when English schools began to slide down the international standards league table. 

Despite the billions poured into schools by Labour, an international think-tank found that from 2000 and 2009, England fell from 7th to 25th in reading.

In the same period, the nation fell from 8th to 28th in maths and from 4th to 16th in science.

Figures: Schools Minister Nick Gibb

Figures: Schools Minister Nick Gibb

Britain has now been overtaken by countries such as Poland, Iceland and Norway.

Separate figures this week revealed that just one in five of the teachers who are formally accused of incompetence end up being sacked.

A survey of 82 local authorities found that 740 teachers were accused of inadequacy during the last 18 months.

Of these, just 154 were sacked, with another 174 resigning. The remainder are still under review or resulted in the teacher keeping their job or retiring.

Professor Alan Smithers, director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at Buckingham University, said it was ‘nearly impossible’ to prove a teacher was incompetent under the current system.

He added: ‘Too many poor teachers remain in their jobs year after year after year. They do harm. We owe it to children to intervene effectively.’

Education sources last night stressed that reforms are underway to make it easier for heads to sack failing teachers.

A shake-up of procedures means the average time for removing a failing teacher should be slashed from one year to a term.

Ministers also plan to abolish the General Teaching Council for England. Mr Gove said last year he was ‘deeply sceptical’ of its value.

Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: ‘The UK has many thousands of outstanding teachers.’

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17 struck-off for incompetence in the last 10 years? So they aren’t that bad after all then!

I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but some of the teachers’ grammar and spelling on these comments, including Rick, whose parents were both teachers, is very disappointing.
See me.

there were 17 in my school alone and that was 25 years ago, they destroyed everyones chance in life and retired to a generous pension ,

MPs resign over incompetence? Get away, that is why they have taken up politics, it is the incompetence magnet, if they were any good they would be working for a living.

One week complaining teachers get paid too much and the next complaining they are incompetent. With the salaries on offer I don’t think schools are in a position to pick and choose. My parents were teachers and head teachers, I wouldn’t get out of bed for their combined salaries, and I get more holidays then them.

When I was schooled in the 1950’s, one in five of my teachers was unfit for purpose, the students new it, the other teachers new it, the head new it but nothing was ever done to rectify the situation. That percentage of useless teachers must now be at least 40% of the total and still no change.

Is Liam Fox the only minister?

Firstly I would like the coward ‘anon’ who supposedly works in an LEA to name himself and the degrees ‘that any idiot can achieve’. Secondly, it is right and proper that teachers have some protection against wrongful or unfair dismissal. The current system works and has teeth. It just needs to be applied properly and with care. Capability procedures apply in most jobs with support mechanisms and targeted improvements. Failure to meet proper targets can result in dismissal and in the case of repeated poor teaching performance should. Discipline procedures are different but can result in dismissal if applied fairly. What about the thousands of great teachers ? If you can read this, thank a teacher !

How many doctors have been stuck off in the same period?

Only 17 teachers struck of for incompetance. Teachers are not sacked these days but they are forced out by harrassment and bullying. The public might say they deserve it if they are incompetent, however, there are some teachers who have been forced out because their face does not fit in with the educational structure of that particular establishment.

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