Julia Gillard defends Budget surplus plan

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PM Julia Gillard says world leaders would ‘chew their right arms off’ to have Australia’s economic settings.


Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pushing for a Budget surplus. Picture: AFP
Source: AFP

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard is defending the Labor government’s determination to deliver a 2012/13 Budget surplus, but she can’t guarantee the federal coffers won’t swing back to deficit in later years.

The minority government has projected a surplus of around $1.5 billion in the next financial year, to meet its 2010 election promise to bring the Commonwealth balance sheet back into the black.

Unions, welfare advocates, the Australian Greens and some business groups have warned the Government not to tie itself to a surplus promise in case the global economy falters.

But when Ms Gillard addresses a business lunch in Perth today, she will say the Government is committed to fiscal discipline and management, unlike the economies of Europe and the United States which are struggling under mountains of debt.

“It’s not a commitment to never have a deficit,” she will tell the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia and Western Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry function.

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“It’s a commitment to ensure our budgets are in surplus, on average, over the medium-term – easing in the tough times and then moving to surplus as things improve.”

Ms Gillard will point out the Labor government’s economic stimulus package helped Australia avoid a recession when the global financial crisis hit in 2008-2009.

“Stimulus was right then. Surplus is right now,” she will say.

“It’s time to get back in the black.

“A Budget surplus is not a political target but a potent economic tool.”

In an apparent bid to soothe fears that the 2012/13 Budget, to be handed down on May 8, will be tough, Ms Gillard will say it includes “targeted, thoughtful savings that assist the return to surplus and protect frontline services”.

As well, delivering a surplus will provide Australia with a buffer against worsening global economic conditions, protect jobs, underline Australia’s strength to the world give the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) room to cut interest rates if it chooses to.

“In the current economic environment, should the RBA consider it appropriate to change the cash rate, this could deliver widespread benefits for households and business, noting that a number of sectors of the economy most under strain are arguably more sensitive to interest rates,” she will say.

“This is fully consistent with the Reserve Bank’s charter obligations to best contribute to economic prosperity and full employment, as well as containing inflation.”

The Prime Minister will tell business groups and others calling for an interest rate cut they should also be publicly advocating a surplus, rather than opposing it.

The projected Budget deficit for this 2011/12 financial year is around $36 billion, so the upcoming surplus will represent a massive turnaround, requiring hefty spending cuts.

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