Judith Tebbutt: I didn’t know my husband had been killed by my kidnappers for two weeks

Mrs Tebbutt, from Bishops Stortford, Herts., was freed after a ransom of $1.1
million (£691,000) which had been raised by her family was air-dropped to
her kidnappers in the remote Adado region of central Somalia. A further
£129,000 was paid to middle-men who helped negotiate her release, taking the
total payout to £820,000.

In a series of snatched interviews with British broadcasters following her
release, Mrs Tebbutt described what life had been like during her 193 days
of captivity.

“There were some very hard psychological moments,” she told ITV News, “but I
got through it, so I’m really relieved.

“I was moved around a bit from house to house. That started when some Navy
seals successfully captured two aid workers [in January]. I think it was on
the news. That night I was woken up and was moved around. It was very
disorientating. To be woken in the middle of the night and moved and you’d
stay there for a little while and then you’d move again.

“I’m very relieved to have been released. Seven months is a long time and
the circumstances, with my husband passing away, made it harder.

“I’m looking forward to seeing my son who successfully secured my release. I
don’t know how he did it, but he did which is great.”

The Tebbutts were on the first night of a planned two-week holiday at the
£280-a-night Kiwayu Safari Village in Kenya when they fell prey to the
Somali pirates.

They were sleeping in a thatched cabin yards from the shore with only a piece
of cloth for a door, meaning the kidnappers were able to walk unhindered to
their bedside after approaching by sea at 4am on Sep 11 last year.

Kiwayu Safari Village, KenyaKiwayu Safari Village, Kenya

David Tebbutt, 58, bravely tried to fight off the kidnappers, and died when
the gunmen shot him in the chest.

His wife, who is hard of hearing and was perhaps slower to grasp what was
going on, was forced onto a waiting speedboat which reached Somali waters 30
miles away within the hour.

The Daily Telegraph understands that the pirates who kidnapped Mrs Tebbutt
sold her for around £200,000 to another militia group, Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama,
around a fortnight after she was taken.

The kidnappers allowed her frequent phone calls home, partly, no doubt, to
make it easier to extract a ransom from her family by proving she was still

In a video she was allowed to record shortly before her release, which was
given to ITV News yesterday, she said: “My condition is good as far as I
know. My health is good. I sleep very well here. I have been ill three times
in the seven months. On each occasion I have had medication almost
immediately and it’s cleared up.

“I feel fine. I have had absolutely no torture whatsoever. In fact I have been
made to feel as comfortable as possible by the pirates that are holding me.”

The British Government has a policy of never paying ransoms for hostages, as
it encourages further kidnappings, but behind the scenes over the past seven
months Mrs Tebbutt’s son was secretly taking part in ongoing negotiations
with middle-men, said to include British citizens of Somali origin.

Mohamud Ibrahim, a community elder, said the talks started shortly after the
kidnapping, and “expenses incurred during the captivity were very

The negotiations culminated in the $1.1m ransom being dropped in a carton with
a parachute attached from a light aircraft on Tuesday in a rural area called
Wed Galinsor, in Himan and Heeb state.

At 9am yesterday, Mrs Tebbutt was taken to a pre-arranged spot in the desert
about 20 miles from Adado, where she was picked up by local mediators.

Looking thin and wearing a hijab-style garment over her head and upper body, a
black full-length skirt with white polka dots and red flip-flops, she was
driven to the nearest police station and from there passed to three
provincial officials who escorted her to Adado, where a small private
aircraft was waiting on an airstrip to fly her to Nairobi.

Even before she had got to the British Consulate, one of her first requests
had been for a full English breakfast.

She also disclosed that her captors had allowed her to listen to the BBC World
Service in the afternoons, which helped her get through the ordeal.

Oliver Tebbutt, 25, her only child, is believed to have flown to Nairobi when
it became clear his mother was about to be released. He and his mother could
be back in the UK as early as Thursday.

In a statement released through the Foreign Office, Mrs Tebbutt said: “I
am of course hugely relieved to at last be free, and overjoyed to be
reunited with my son Ollie.

“This however is a time when my joy at being safe again is overwhelmed by
my immense grief, shared by Ollie and the wider family, following David’s
passing in September last year. My family and I now need to grieve properly.

“I would like to thank everybody who has supported Ollie throughout this
ordeal. I am now looking forward to returning home to family and friends
whom I have missed so very much.

“I hope that while I adjust to my freedom and the devastating loss of my
husband, that I and my family will be allowed space, time and most of all
privacy, to come to terms with the events of the last six months.”

William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said he was “delighted” that
Mrs Tebbutt had been released, adding: “Judith is now in the care of
the British High Commission in Nairobi and has been reunited with her son,

“Our immediate thoughts are with Judith’s family and friends who have
endured the ordeal of her captivity with great strength and dignity.”
He sent his “deepest condolences” to Mrs Tebbutt and her family
for the loss of David Tebbutt.

Ann Milligan, the partner of Mrs Tebbutt’s brother Stephen Atkinson, said: “We
were able to keep in contact with her as her captors allowed her to phone

“We had a feeling she would be coming home, it was just a matter of time.

“We will be having a huge celebration for her when she gets home.”

Rev Toby Marchand, the couple’s local vicar, described Oliver Tebbutt as “a
remarkable young man” who had been “very calm, very mature and brave

He added: “This has been such an ordeal for him but he has always spoken in
terms of ‘when’ his mother is rescued not ‘if’.

“His great concern has always been that there wasn’t any publicity about
the case that might make things worse. His hope was that once his captors
realised that she wasn’t anyone important they would let her go.

“He never discussed the payment of any ransom with me, why would he but
it is my understanding that the family have paid something.”

Mrs Tebbutt could now be asked to provide a witness statement that could prove
crucial in the trial of a hotel security guard who has admitted leading the
pirates to the cabin, but claiming he did so under duress. He faces the
death penalty if he is convicted of being an accomplice in the murder and

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