Juan O Savin on Tore Says Show!

Juan O Savin joins the Tore Says Show from London, in an appearance that I did not see coming – let alone, a four and half hour marathon! He talks extensively about the “Q Operation” and the plan to save America, which he says was gamed-out on supercomputers for two decades and how it’s now about to pop off.

He also refers repeatedly to the Black Nobility, who he calls the “Bloodline Families” and the imminent, “greatest coup ever to occur on the planet,” against them, “Not just a Trump comeback, but a military operation that is going to reach into countries all over the world. It’s gonna be epic.”

He continues, “There is a plan and it’s all coming to a head right now.” He repeats, “It is a Near-Death Experience, a heart-stopping moment and a restart. And the only way you get to that solution – it’s not what most people really want to hear, but it does require the military – it is a heart-stopping moment, it’s the full stop and a restart –”

It’s amusing to see how the two relate to each other, trading war stories from their intelligence careers, two massive egos crashing in the night. He commends her work on various legal cases, regarding the election machines and parental rights, etc. Juan has been involved in several similar legal challenges and he describes their combined efforts as a “Decentralized, distributed attack.”


Tore Maras tells Juan that the Federal Reserve Bank was hacked the other day and she suspects that this could be why they’re letting Julian Assange out of prison, telling him:

“The people that have hacked the Federal Reserves – which means that they have every single transaction conducted by every single individual held as ransom – and I was like, ‘I wonder who’s going to help them get that out of the Tor Network?’ …my first inclination was, ‘If I was the FBI, I’d go for the best people that can maneuver the Tor Network. I would tap Jacob Appelbaum and – Julian Assange.’…

“And it was kind of interesting that it happened at a Territory, which we all know has an Exit Node for the Tor Network. So, this is stuff that I observed and I’m not saying that’s correct.”

It seems unlikely that this is why they freed Assange but what do I know?

The discussion then moves to Juan talking about how the destabilization of Latin America is due to the lack of leadership of the US, especially behind the scenes. Juan, ever the Cold Warrior, speaks fondly of his days taking out the Russian ruble and of happier times, when the US was in control of Latin America. Tore Says she’d rather see Latin America rebuild without outside interference. (But try telling that to the Chinese).


At around 1 hour and 33 minutes in, Juan says, “It’s hard to grasp the magnitude of this world operation that we are fighting…within the military operation, of which Trump is a figurehead. They’re going to have these crises all coming to a head at exactly the same time and will try to root it all out, once and for all…and you’re about to be part of – as an observer – the greatest coup ever to occur on the planet – not just a Trump comeback, but a military operation that is going to reach into countries all over the world. It’s gonna be epic.”

Juan talks about how the intelligence agencies of NATO countries are all coordinating their efforts, sharing assets and information between them. Epstein is a prime example of this but his blackmail operation was only one of many similar operations.

Juan describes these Western intelligence agencies as a “Security operation for the families behind the scenes, that you don’t really know the names of the various players. It’s not just the obvious ones that you know the names of; Rothschild or Rockefeller. There’s other families that are criminal organizations…Those families have members that take positions within the various intelligence agencies, the banking and certain industries and then, they coordinate their actions to have control over the broader population. And at certain points in time, historically, they have wiped out every member of a particular family.

“That’s how you could have the population of China go down to just 10% of what it started with. Indonesia, where they mapped all the genetics of certain groups and, depending on which groups, up to 5 million people died in Indonesia, when the war started there in the mid-’60s.

“And now, look at people like Gates and eugenics and the shot and all of what’s going on, there. That wasn’t benign! The work that was going on in Ukraine. The 54 biolabs were trying to engineer genetic weapons that could target the Slavic people and then, they took military personnel in the Ukraine military who had ancestors, parents that were from Russia and they were using them to test their bioweapons on their own soldiers for effectiveness!

“Literally, like a James Bond movie; like the latest James Bond movie: genetically-targeted weapons. They weren’t trying nukes, they weren’t just trying to overcome them, economically – they wanted something that genetically-targeted the core of the Russian People.

“And just seeing that all across the globe. Is that just going after an industry? Is that just going after a political core or is that something else? That’s going up to genetics! They want one family to win and the other families to lose. That should scare the Hell everybody in this audience, because you don’t know which relatives they’re coming after next.”

Tore gives Juan a smackdown, when she counters BioClandestine‘s (and the Russian Ministry of Defense’s) claims about the biolabs, calling them “Bullshit. Basically, they were collecting all of the data and the statistics. Were they, indeed experimenting on Ukrainians, yes, they were,” but she says the “biolabs” were actually datacenters being run by the United States.

“Yes, they were using Ukrainians for experiments, because they were easy to take – but it wasn’t their function [the Russian MOD begs to differ]. They weren’t doing Gain-of-Function research. They were only collecting data. In the Hunter Biden laptop, it clearly talks about it. In fact, it links it to the company in Italy that was responsible for conducting the experiments – not in Ukraine or in Europe – but in Africa and the United States.

“And in fact, I have made mention of the two women that used to be part of Metabiota and shifted and changed the name of the company, so they could continue the work, because [now] it was simply data. And the thing is, I’ve had these conversations with very high-level people in Congress and it’s almost as if they want to keep the waters muddied, because it completes a goal…

“In 2020, I even said, ‘This is targeted genetic warfare, do not go and take the test to see if you’re COVID-positive.’ It’s documented. I said that in March. ‘Those are DNA harvesting parties, to create more bespoke vaccines or bioweapons to target human beings, because you can see the graphene seam of the actual COVID virus that they were alleging was present.”

Tore says, “And so it’s horrific, just how many things that are targeting the populace, in general right now. And it’s horrific to see that there’s not one breath of air to say, ‘OK, at least I’m clear on this.’

“And so, I think going forward, for I guess, the media and people that are out there trying to help: simplify things. It’s a lot easier if we simplify things. I don’t understand why people with big platforms don’t simplify things.”

Juan then turns the conversation to Cuba and how they are very involved in a lot of what’s happening all over the Americas, including the coup attempt in Bolivia and he predicts more such coups in the region soon. He says, “And if you say ‘Cuba’, you’re one step removed from Russia or China.”

Juan notes that Russia is currently more focused on Ukraine while the criminal elements of China are seriously infiltrating us. Tore talks about how the Sinaloa Cartel is now headquartered in North Dakota and it owns most of the new oil wells there and in places like Texas and Louisiana.

Last year, we learned about how the Sinaloa Cartel controls everything in Arizona and how they’ve made major incursions into other states through a powerful combination of cyber hacking and financial fraud.

Earlier this year, we learned that the Sinaloa Cartel is controlled by the Ruspoli Black Nobility family and that several other powerful Latin American criminal gangs are each controlled by various European Black Nobility families.


Juan brings up the Black Nobility again, “For these Globalistas, who are literally into the genetics; the 13 Bloodline Families that want to own the whole planet…they want to bring America to heel and to control the world and keep ’em all in their places…

“But who are we really fighting? In my opinion, the core of the fight is the British Empire, through the Commonwealth Countries and China as their muscle. Both of them are actually much more connected behind-the-scenes than anybody imagines.

“From the American side, within the intelligence agencies, that operation to open China and build-out China was run by the Rockefellers, David Rockefeller –”

Tore interrupts him and then announces that, “I AM one of those 13 whatever-you-want-to-call-it, because we used to be Blue Bloods until they kicked the King out and he married the Queen, right, King Philip, right? I’m part of that. Like, that is actually my lineage – legit – right?”

The plot thickens. Tore says that 94% of her genome comes from the Peloponnese (if I recall correctly) but the former Greek Royal Family is mostly Danish, so it’d be great for Tore to elaborate on this, since everybody’s talking about the Black Nobility now.

Juan then starts talking about how these Bloodline Families are heavily into the occult and the significance of certain numbers; how JFK was assassinated at a time and place that corresponded to the number “129”, which was also what time in the afternoon it was in Washington DC the moment that he was shot. This numerology was meant to “bless” this transfer of power, away from JFK and to the Cabal in DC. He says “129” is one of those numbers you see repeating over and over again.

Juan launches into long stories about sunken submarines in Hawaii and about how David Rockefeller “held court” for five months in a dacha in Soviet Georgia during the collapse of the Soviet Union, picking-out the future oligarchs of Russia.

Juan explains, “Why? Again, because these families, going back to the ’17 Revolution; these families that had paid the money to allow the Revolution to happen and take Russia and turn it into the Communist country that it became and this nemesis to the world.”

In other words, he’s saying that the Bolshevik Revolution was a Globalist operation, paid for by the Black Nobility via their Jewish Banksters on Wall Street, so when their Soviet Union collapsed, they wanted to install their oligarchs who would protect their interests and keep the money flowing into their coffers. Rockefeller helped to broker this redistribution of Russian resources after the collapse, as a minion of the Black Nobility.

Juan then repeats what he’s said before; that there are 4 different actors playing Biden and that you have to ask yourself whether any one of them is the real Biden. He says he’s also seen somebody portray Trump who was not Trump.

At 3 hours in, Tore rages about how everybody complains about how bad everything is but they ignore all of the simple solutions, mostly referring to Congress.


Juan then discusses the “solution” and how it was gamed-out on supercomputers for two decades and how it is very precise. He says the Q Operation, “Was actually aimed at a younger crowd than most people understood. It was aimed at gamers trying to solve a problem.”

Juan says that these families believe that they are more than human, because they’re a hybrid (of the Seed of Cain, not “ETs”, according to him) and they have the right to rule by blood – but that “There is a plan and it’s all coming to a head right now.”

He repeats, “It is a Near-Death Experience, a heart-stopping moment and a restart. And the only way you get to that solution, it’s not what most people really want to hear but it does require the military, it is a heart-stopping moment, it’s the full stop and a restart –”

Tore interjects, “But you see, Juan, every time in history – because this has been repeated – to go back to the whole, we’ve heard them tell us that that there are non-human biological entities just here, which could –”

Juan interrupts her, saying, “By the way, you don’t have to get too deep into that –”. Juan shuts down her ET talk quick, ever seeking not to “alienate” his friends in the Evangelical community.

Tore continues, “But I do wanna say that it is a real military threat and the military knows that, because we’re not talking about ‘Little Green Men’, we’re talking about [alien] Artificial Intelligence. I just want to make that clear.”

The two then talk about how the real reset will be a reversion to State Sovereignty and Tore chimes in, saying that Trump “Will be the last President.”

Juan continues, “With the attacks that are coming, you’re going to need a military defensive capability to stop any onslaughts, while we rebuild America internally from the damaged condition that it’s in right now…It won’t happen overnight. Trump, himself has said it’ll take about 4 years to get back to the first election, after the stop that’s coming and the re-organization and he’ll have to operate as ‘King for a Day’…

“Remember, Trump said that he was invited to run. Who invited him? The 200 Generals, who have gamed this out –”

Tore talks over him (inaudible).

“Even the Q Operation was about taking a creative group that was just doing video games –

Tore talks over him, “AI software that was fantastic –”

In the past, Tore has said that, “Q is AI-driven software that is controlled by the Knights of Malta [actually, it’s spyware on everybody’s cellphones, i.e., “We got it all”].

Juan continues, “And augmenting it to – for example, in the Q Operation, you’re using AI but with human direction. It’s only augmenting certain things and then, you’re putting checkpoints in it; key things to do some predictive activity that shows that you do have control of certain aspects of what’s coming.

“But at the end of the day, all of those things, ‘even the best-laid plans of mice and men‘ – I just wanted to say to the audience – I know you know this, Tore – the desperation that you or I feel about the situation, about getting to a solution, fixing this before it all crashes, before literally, more children die, more babies needlessly, more young people in the wars that are being fomented right now; the nuclear conflict leading to Armageddon, if you will, that are planned for us.

“How do we head that off? And the one thing I would add to all the conversation you and I have had, to all of the brain-stretching things that we’re trying to put into the conversation. When you say ‘simple’, ‘boil it down to something’, the question is, ‘Is there a Divine component, but for God, Himself. How are we going to pull this in? How can we possibly, without some Divine Intervention?

“Even within the Q Operation, Scripture was quoted on several occasions, because we are predominantly a Christian society within Americana…even going back to the Pilgrims; the founding of what this society actually is…that led to this amazing American operation.

“But across time, the Garden, the billions of people that have come on the Earth, at the end of the day, it won’t even be MENSAs, it won’t be the genius of man, all the wisdom, all the intelligence. There is a Divine Hand on this – that, without God, Himself – that was the lesson of Babylon with Nebuchadnezzar – he actually lost his mind so much for a period of time, that he believed he was an animal, eating grass, naked for seven years but they respected him as King, they knew something was going on. And then, he got his wits back about him.

“And the moral of that story, for those that would go read it: ‘God governs in the affairs of men’

“Always!” Tore chimes in.

Juan continues, “John Kerry, one of the ‘Five Wisest Men’ –”

“My ass, he is!” Tore interjects, “Do you know what he did in Antarctica in 2021, my gosh! The readback I got from friends there – the guy is a putz, OK? That’s why when Iran said ‘We’re claiming Antarctica’ – I said, ‘That’s what’s up!” Even though it’s Iran, I was like, “Go, Iran! I am all for that sh!t – claim that sh!t!’

“Because, that’s the problem that we have. But Kerry is postured. He’s postured by the media, postured by the people, because the media postured him and so on and so on.”

Juan agrees, “Well, beyond that, it’s the puppeteers. He’s an idiot.”

The two then pray for the people of the world, who are already and will now be even more under attack by the Satanic Globalists.

Juan says, “What you’re going to see over the remainder of the year is all those who were arrayed to destroy America are going to, in fact begin destroying each other. That’s what I believe is coming and that’s where there has to be a Divine Hand.

It’s the “Esther Flip” or what Roseanne calls the “Boomerang”. And I believe that’s what’s coming but I believe it’s going to be a brutal moment and prayer required. It’s going to be gripping – and this group of people, right here is going to be part of the solution and the rebuilding. There’s going to be an incredible movement of God. You want to be part of that.”

Juan then has to catch a plane and they both praise each other effusively, with Juan calling her “A Treasure” and with them promising to do more podcasts and Twitter Spaces going forward.


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