In 1919 Adolf Hitler was serving as an agent for the army, observing various nationalist and Folkish political parties, when he decided to join the German Worker’s Party (DAP), which later became the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP). Although not well known, there was a very good reason for his decision to join this particular party. The German Worker’s Party was founded, protected, and secretly financed by the Thule Gemeinschaft [Gesellschaft], referred to henceforth by its common English rendering of Thule Society, which was considered to be the most prestigious and powerful secret Folkish organization in Germany.
The Thule Society
The Thule society was a strongly anti-Jewish, anti-Marxist, Nordicist organization, which was dedicated to the creation of a Folkish State and the higher evolution of the Aryan race. They had a real understanding of the gulf between the working and the upper classes – and the necessity of closing that gap in order to realize the desired Folkish State. Its membership numbered a wide range of influential legal professionals, university professors, police officials, industrialists, physicians and scientists. Besides the German Worker’s Party, The Thule Society subsidized the Oberland Freikorps and it controlled Bavaria’s leading anti-Jewish newspaper; The Voelkischer Beobachter. It is quite revealing that Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Max Amann, who later became editor, assistant editor, and business manager of the VoelkischerBeobachter when it was sold to the NSDAP, were all Thule Society members.
The Swastika was the official symbol of the Thule Society. The Swastika was prominently displayed on the organization’s letterheads and literature, and Swastika banners adorned its meetings. The NSDAP merely inherited the Swastika from its mentor, which, apparently, it ultimately absorbed as Thule Society members all became NSDAP members.
The only official reference to the meaning of the National Socialist Swastika which we have encountered is in Chapter 7 of the 2nd volume of Mein Kampf: “As National Socialists we see our program in our flag. In the red, we see the social idea of the movement, in the white, the nationalistic idea, in the Swastika, the mission of the struggle for the victory of Aryan man, and at the same time, also the victory of the idea of creative work, which in itself is, and will always be, anti-Semitic.” This, of course, is probably only one aspect of a deeper meaning which was given to the Swastika, but we have never encountered reference to any such deeper meaning given by the Thule Society or the NSDAP. However, an investigation of some of the historical and esoteric uses of The Swastika certainly gives us some insight into its significance.
Most of us are aware that the Swastika is a sacred symbol in many lands and in many traditions. However, since the Thule Society was a Folkish Movement, and radically Nordicist, we can certainly assume that they would have derived the Swastika from Germanic traditions, either historical, or perhaps even pseudo-historical or mystical.
19th Century Runic Mysticism
Any investigation of Runes (the Germanic Swastika is considered Runic) needs to take into account that during the 19th century there were a few self-styled Runelorers who put some spurious mystical interpretations to the Runes of old. Much of this questionable information is still published today (often by Jews and Jew-in-laws who have become the “new-age” Runelorers and Rune magicians). The National Socialist Party, which was an ardent Folk-movement, incorporated a few Runes into its uniform insignia. Unfortunately, they accepted some of these unsubstantiated meanings of the 19th century Runelorers. For instance, the so-called “Life Rune”, which, among other things, adorned the Hitlerjugend uniforms, was a 19th century reinterpretation of the greatly misinterpreted Akiz Rune. Turning the “Life Rune” upside down, some 19th century Runelorer created the “Death Rune” (this is seen nowadays encircled and rather ironically dubbed the “Peace Symbol”)! There is, however, no historical evidence to back up these 19th century interpretations of the Akiz Rune. It is possible that the Swastika may also have been adopted for a similarly spurious, and hence now long forgotten, meaning.
Savitri Devi, the well-known National Socialist writer and philosopher, interprets the Swastika as a symbol for the sun, and there was evidently some use of it as such by at least one National Socialist artist. However, we know of no historical reference to it as a Germanic sun symbol, although some sources do believe that it could be derived from the well-known Germanic Sunwheel. It is possible that her interpretation is Indo-Aryan, or perhaps even from 19th century rune lore. Nevertheless, a symbol of the sun is reasonably appropriate for a Folkish organization: the sun shining through the darkness, bringing about regeneration and new life.
Historically, the Germanic Swastika symbolized a swirling thunderbolt: a symbol for the famed hammer of Thor, long regarded as the greatest weapon against evil. Moreover, Thor is remembered as the most beloved Germanic God who uses his hammer to battle the deadly World Serpent. In National Socialist political allegory, the World Serpent was sometimes used to symbolize World Jewry. Hence, the mighty Hammer of Thor would be a fitting, and historically valid, deeper meaning for the National Socialist Swastika.
Adherents of the politically-correct neo-pagan movement assure us that the Swastika is a symbol which has great mystical power, and that Adolf Hitler – no doubt in league with some sorcerer – tried to use it to obtain world domination. However, they happily add that the world was saved because he mistakenly turned it the wrong way, thereby bringing destruction on himself and Germany, rather than the victory which the opposite direction would have guaranteed. The Swastika to which they are referring is the Indo-Aryan Swastika of Saivism (a Tantric symbol), and we have often amused ourselves by pointing out to these same pseudo-pagans that this Swastika is rendered in exactly the same direction as the one which adorns the NSDAP banner! The Indo-Aryan Swastika is very ancient, and it comes from a common origin with that of Germanic traditions. It symbolizes the movement of evolutionary energy in the spine. We might note here that the Thule Society, especially Dietrich Eckart and Alfred Rosenberg, delved deeply into the esoteric rites of our pre-Christian Forefathers, with emphasis on higher evolution and a Superhuman Species. Considering the likelihood that the Thule Society was aware of its common origin, it is even possible that they adopted the Swastika for its Indo-Aryan significance.
Wotanism, our spiritual heritage, is higher evolution by self effort, and for this, the Swastika is the most fitting symbol. Higher evolution is the greatest creative and regenerative force on this earth, and it is indeed the only thing which guarantees victory in our struggle against domination by World Jewry (thereby “anti-semitic”), and for the “victory of the idea of creative work” and the “victory of the struggle of Aryan man.” (We might note here that whether we consider the Swastika to represent the sun, the Hammer of Thor, or the energy of higher evolution, it still covers the definition from Mein Kampf!). The ultimate goal of the Thule Society, National Socialist Germany, and Wotanism was, and is, the Superhuman Species, which is, of course, the ultimate victory of all creative work and of Aryan man, and which is rightfully symbolized by the Swastika.
The Swastika is the most sacred symbol of our Folk (and as well, of all mankind who strive to live in harmony with Nature). Never flaunt it! Never render it with specious words or with thoughtless, childish racial slurs! Keep it sacred and singular by sheltering it from the eyes of mankind’s enemies until the day comes when all will gaze on it with honor and reverence!
See also:
Jost Turner, N.S. Kindred – National Socialism
Jost Turner, N.S. Kindred – The Path of Wotan
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