As NewsBusters reported last month, Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart did a truly vile sketch a few weeks ago displaying a Nativity scene over a woman’s vagina.
According to BuzzFeed, Delta Airlines has dropped its sponsorship of the Daily Show as a result:
Delta spokeswoman Leslie Parker confirmed to BuzzFeed that the airline pulled its advertising last week. Parker said that “We are constantly evaluating our advertising strategy and at this time no longer advertise during The Daily Show,” and denied that the decision had anything to do with “any opinions expressed” by the show.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue said the following in his press release regarding the matter:
Over the past two weeks, we sent our complaint about Jon Stewart’s “vagina manger” stunt of April 16 to the major sponsors of “The Daily Show”; we made sure they received a copy of the picture flashed on the screen of a naked woman with her legs spread with a nativity scene ornament in between. We are pleased with Delta’s response, and are awaiting a reply from others, many of which were contacted only this week.
Unfortunately, Donohue didn’t get the answer he expected from Kellogg’s:
“We understand that our customers come from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, lifestyles, and cultures and we respect their individual decisions to choose the television programs that they deem acceptable for themselves and their families. Consumers speak most loudly when they vote with their remote control and change the channel or turn off the TV if a program does not fit their personal criteria.”
“In other words, Kellogg’s is telling Christians to shove it,” wrote Donohue.
NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell said upon hearing the news, “Delta did the easy, simple and decent thing.”
As for Kellogg’s, “It boggles the mind that all the advertisers are being so irrational defending indecency. The more the customers of Kellogg’s learn about their defense of religious bigotry, the more they will flee that brand.”
Readers are reminded that shortly after the airing of this disgraceful sketch, Bozell issued Stewart a challenge:
We dare you to prove you are an equal opportunity bigot. Your grotesque stunt displaying a Nativity scene in a vulgar manner to take a jab at Fox News is but the latest in a long line of unacceptable behavior and hypocrisy when it comes to the media’s treatment of traditional Christianity. Doing something similar with the Koran or the Torah is equally offensive. Since you’re so brave to offend Christians, are you equally brave to offend Muslims and Jews? We dare you.
The Daily Show host has yet to accept the challenge.
Color us very unsurprised.
On a related note, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh took a tremendous amount of heat in February for his comments regarding Georgetown University Law student Sandra Fluke.
As you recall, there was much rejoicing in the media when companies dropped their ads from his program.
One hardly imagines Stewart’s loss of Delta getting much attention from his fans in the press.
We’re certainly not holding our breath.
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