September 1, 2017
If so, how has Rome managed to keep her devious machinations, her “corporatization” of the world undetected, so to speak, in order to accomplish her documented, “repeatedly expressed desire” over 1700 years for world domination? The answer is; incremental and finally total control over all education and politics, media and publishing; print and electronic and the “power pyramid” employed to stratify “round table” power groups into layers and to “compartmentalize” them revealing the “master plan” and final “agenda” to only a few at the head of some groups. The papacy working with the Italian “Black Nobility” families are at the top, with the phantom Jesuits; the MEN IN BLACK, behind them, hidden, like the Wizard of OZ, with their hands on the controls.
Adhering to Sun Tzu’s principles in “Art Of War” and embracing a Machiavellian mind-set employing infiltration, subversion, division, propaganda, lies, deception and violence they have waged relentless war against sovereign nations, cultures, religions and in particular the Protestant Church. Jesuits are Rome’s assassins, the authors of Mein Kampf, The Protocols of Zion, the adulterated Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible and the sworn enemy of God and mankind in every conceivable way.
“Hofjuden” are papal court Jews like the Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s who carry out the orders of the Vatican, particularly in world finance, in return for status and material wealth. I’m not denying that some Jews are guilty of crimes but basically they are a useful “scapegoat” for the Jesuits and act as a diabolically clever “smoke-screen” and distraction for the public. This is really important to understand because once diverted into this ‘Jew meme’ mindset, all enquiry ceases and the cloak and dagger masters (Jesuits) are free to perpetuate their UN, central banking and Israel deception, unhindered. Many Jews work in education, media, publishing, government, military and intelligence, unaware of Rome’s true agenda working on a “need to know” basis. The Jews are “used” by the Jesuits but have rarely been allowed into the Jesuit order. The Jesuits “hate” the Jews as well as Christians and Muslims persecuting them because of their historical “resistance” to conversion and when opportune they do not hesitate to eliminate them!
The Jesuit oaths are blood curdling, being in fact the “cult of death,” always seeking to poison the innocent minds of the young with pernicious Jesuit ideologies such as, Communism, Fascism, Feminism, Scientism, Helio-centrism, Evolution and Atheism. They are responsible for every war, revolution and political assassination in the last 500 years as they attempt to destroy any obstacle to Rome’s ascendency and dominion through it’s NWO. Jesuits control all world banking through London, world governance through the UN and every world intelligence agency. There is no military force they can’t co-opt and using the US military, NATO, the IDF and Blackwater they enforce Rome’s edicts without mercy, daily, anywhere in the world today just as Imperial Rome did 2000 years ago.
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