Jews blood diamond trade exposed

Development of the Jews’ global takeover agenda in Africa has, of course, been fuelled mainly by the Jews’ Judas-like endless lust for the rich mineral wealth of those lands; and fostered primarily by leading finance Jews of the ilk of the Rothschilds, who now pull the strings on the puppet politicians of most black African states and hold in subjection by threats of terror those states that are Islamic.

Jews have generally gained control of African states by first using the low IQ of indigenous people to reduce them to the dialectic of senselessly opposing factions. After that they’ve often fomented a war between the opposites, usually precipitated by the Mossad, who’ve callously killed someone prominent on one side or the other; and as a precursor to controlling the ensuing mayhem with bribery, trickery, propaganda, and Jewish money from behind the scenes. Jews with a vested interest in the wealth of African states have then often used their “managed conflict” to bring to power ‘their party’; and often by persuading powerful governments and the UN to brutally effect that end.

The process the Jews have used to bring to power ‘their party’ in African states has often involved the execution, dismissal, or exile of existing party leaders; so that their “moderate” puppet administrator can be installed, to corrupt the country’s currency and nationalize its assets, and so leave its wealth open to either theft by Jews or purchase by them at ridiculously low prices. A process the Jews have learned largely from an episode in their own history, relating to the death of the protagonist Naboth, because he’d refused sell his vineyard to the wicked King Ahab of Israel, in Old Testament times.

For Jews will often first make offers, reasonable or otherwise, for an African nation’s assets; and even promise to elevate socially and in a pecuniary way those who help them to that end. But if that’s refused, they’ll then often vindictively arrange for either the execution, incarceration, or exile of the assets’ owners; just as righteous Naboth first got an offer for his vineyard from Ahab, and was “set on high among the people”, before being slandered, and stoned to death by order of Israel’s king.

When Jews have coveted the mineral wealth of African nations they’ve also anticipated the bonus of black African, low cost ‘slave labour’, which is exploitation of Gentiles they’ve ‘justified’ on the basis of racist rabbinical interpretations of a biblical reference to “apes” being brought out of Africa into the land of Israel, during the reign of Israel’s King Solomon. Jews also use and abuse blacks as slaves because they know the Talmud says Jews should view all Gentiles as mere goyim or “human cattle”, and as distinct from Jews as the only real humans; and as merely descendants of the apes, according to their antichristian theory of evolution, which was concocted by their scholars and rabbis in the Talmudic academies of Babylonia, long before the half-wit Charles Darwin got hold of the ridiculous idea.

The Jews’ blood and conflict diamond trade in Africa has been particularly lucrative in Central Congo, where one-third of the world’s known diamonds have been found. Israeli diamond traders control more than 50 percent of the Congo’s diamond exports; and they’ve brokered deals with Congolese leaders of the ilk of Laurent Kabila, that have included diamonds for Israel in return for arming and training the country’s troops to commit all sorts of atrocities against their fellow Gentiles (especially Christians) on a routine basis.

British ‘neocon’ Cecil Rhodes created the diamond cartel De Beers Consolidated Mines in 1888, after buying out the diamond interests of the Jew Barney Barnato. Rhodes then used the cartel to control the world’s diamond markets, and create the myth of diamond scarcity, which sets the gemstone’s highly artificial price. The Jewish Oppenheimer family has owned the De Beers diamond cartel since Rhodes’ death; and the Oppenheimers are relatives of Mayer Rothschild who served a three-year apprenticeship in Hanover at the Bank of Oppenheimer.

Stone cutting, stone polishing, and retail fronts for De Beers are mostly Jew run subsidiaries; and in Europe almost all gemstones marketing has been either corrupted or controlled by Jews since the Middle Ages. Rough diamonds are shipped from the mines to the Jewish districts of Antwerp and to Israel, to be cut and polished; and New York’s billion dollar diamond trade is centred on 47th Street, where 25,000 (mainly Haredi) Jews are cutting, polishing, and marketing the stones.

The Jew Lev Leviev has made an immense fortune from trade in blood and conflict diamonds; and the EU has warned him that if he continues to trade in “blood rubies” with Myanmar’s dictatorial military junta he will face sanctions. Leviev’s blood diamond trade in Angola has been supported by the notorious pro-communist, Jew sponsored Dos Santos regime; and it has been backed by an equally wicked private security firm, K & P Mineira, which has been accused of torturing, sexually abusing, and mass murdering indigenous people.

New Yorkers recently picketed the LEVIEV jewellery store on Madison Avenue, charging the Jewish billionaire with fraudulent acquisition and development of land in Israel and the West Bank, via his firm Africa Israel Investments, which was set up by Jews from South Africa to acquire and develop real estate for apartheid Jewish occupation in Palestine.

Lebanon has been a significant importer of diamonds from the DR Congo; and more than 100,000 Lebanese live in Sierra Leone, and they’re the “market dominant” majority in the country’s alluvial diamond trade and control most of its diamond buying stores.

Jews commissioned the ‘rebel’ Foday Sankoh to foment the civil war in Sierra Leone, from 1991 to 2002, to break the will and undo the aspirations of the indigenous Lebanese diamond traders. The Jew Simon Yelnik, headquartered in Panama, supplied Sankoh with all sorts of weapons; and weapons suppliers in the state of Israel now do more than $4 billion in trade annually, and rank second only to the United States and the Russian Federation in terms of the quantity they supply.

Jews used Sankoh’s death squads to loot, rape, mutilate, and murder, so that no one would dare to speak out against the Jews’ control of the country by De Beers, from behind the scenes. De Beers has long been a state power in African states; and even the nationalizing of Sierra Leone’s diamond industry, when the country gained independence, left gem merchants with no option but to sell through the Oppenheimer cartel.

The World Diamond Council was set up in 2000, after a joint meeting of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association. Ostensibly to reduce the number of “conflict” or “blood” diamonds entering the market; but really to give at least a semblance of credibility to the diamond trade in general, that had been reduced to something too close to the Jews’ opiate narcotic trade in the minds of too many decent buyers of the stone.

The Council’s insistence that anyone buying diamond jewellery must be careful to select only diamonds certified by the “accepted, legal Kimberley Process Certification Scheme” (KPCS), as a safeguard against being implicated in the mass murder, rape, mutilation, and slavery of the black people of Africa, is thoroughly hypocritical; because almost all diamonds are dripping with blood of that sort today.

In fact the KPCS was invented by De Beers, which created the concept of “blood” or “conflict” diamonds out of fear that the world would reject De Beer diamonds as of that sort, and to prevent diamonds from war-torn West Africa undermining De Beers’ artificial price of the stone.

Further reading and viewing …

Every year, consumers the world over unwittingly spend billions of dollars on diamonds crafted in Israel, thereby helping to fund one of the world’s most protracted and contentious conflicts. Most people are unaware that Israel is one of the world’s leading producers of cut and polished diamonds. As diamonds are normally not hallmarked, consumers cannot distinguish an Israeli diamond from one crafted in India, Belgium, South Africa or elsewhere. The global diamond industry and aligned governments, including the EU, have hoodwinked consumers into believing the diamond trade has been cleansed of diamonds that fund human rights abuses, but the facts are startlingly different.

Israel — which stands accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, the crime of apartheid, extrajudicial executions within and outside the territory it controls and persistent serious breaches of the Geneva Conventions — is the world’s leading exporter of diamonds (see Figure 1 below). Israeli companies import rough diamonds for cutting and polishing, adding significantly to their value, and export them globally via distribution hubs in Antwerp, London, Hong Kong, New York and Mumbai.

In July 2000, the global diamond industry set up the World Diamond Council (WDC). The WDC was established as a response to public outrage about the use of diamonds to fund bloody conflicts in western African countries and it includes representatives from the World Federation of Diamond Bourses and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association. The council’s ultimate mandate is “the development, implementation and oversight of a tracking system for the export and import of rough diamonds to prevent the exploitation of diamonds for illicit purposes such as war and inhumane acts.” Significantly, the WDC limits its concern about human rights violations to those funded by rough diamonds only.

In 2003, the WDC introduced a system of self-regulation called the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme to stem the flow of “conflict” or “blood diamonds.” In keeping with the limited concerns of the WDC the UN-mandated Kimberly Process adopted a very narrow definition of what constitutes a conflict or blood diamond: “rough diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance conflict aimed at undermining legitimate governments.” As a result of this tight ring-fencing, the much more lucrative trade in cut and polished diamonds avoids the human rights strictures applying to rough diamonds, provided the industry uses only Kimberly Process-compliant rough diamonds. Regardless of the human rights violations and atrocities funded by revenue from the Israeli diamond industry, governments and other vested interests party to the Kimberly Process facilitate the unrestricted access of diamonds crafted in Israel to the multi-billion dollar global diamond market.

The WDC created a web site called to promote the virtues of the industry. It lists 24 facts extolling the benefits of the diamond industry — primarily to India and countries in Africa. Some of the benefits include that an estimated 5 million people have access to appropriate healthcare globally thanks to revenues from diamonds; diamond revenues enable every child in Botswana to receive free education up to the age of 13; the revenue from diamonds is instrumental in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

While these facts are laudable the list makes no mention of other less savory facts, including the fact that revenue from the diamond industry in Israel helps fund atrocities and human rights abuses such as the killing, maiming and terrorizing of thousands of innocent men, women and children in Palestine and Lebanon — the sort of atrocities the Kimberly Process is supposed to prevent being funded by revenue from diamonds.

The list of “Diamond Facts” paints a one-sided, positive image of the industry. It implies that the greatest benefits are being felt in some of the poorest nations of the world. But Israel, one of the wealthiest nations, towers over all other countries in terms of the net benefit derived from the diamond industry. The added value to the Israeli economy from the export of diamonds was nearly $10 billion in 2008 (see Figure 2 below).

The WDC website is equally selective when it comes to providing information about which countries are most dependent on diamonds. It explains that Namibia, one of the minor diamond exporting countries in monetary terms, derives 40 percent (Trade Performance HS: Exports of Israel” accessed 25 March 2010) (See Figures 3 and 4). By comparison, the budget for Israel’s Ministry of Defense was $16 billion in 2008.

Revenue from the diamond industry helps fund Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, its brutal subjugation of the Palestinian people and its international network of saboteurs, spies and assassins. None of this is alluded to in the WDC’s “Diamond Facts.”

Contrary to claims by the diamond industry and jewelers that all diamonds are now conflict free, they are not. Israel’s dominant position in the industry means that diamonds crafted in Israel are interspersed globally with diamonds crafted in other countries. Consumers who purchase diamonds that are not laser-inscribed to identify where they were crafted run a significant risk of purchasing a diamond crafted in Israel, thereby helping to fund gross human rights violations. The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme strictures only apply to rough diamonds, thus allowing diamonds crafted in Israel to freely enter the market regardless of the criminal actions of the Israeli government and armed forces.

The Kimberly Process is seriously flawed and is being used by the diamond industry and jewelers to pull the wool over consumers’ eyes by telling them that all diamonds are now “conflict free” without explaining the limitations and exactly what that means.

All this is hardly surprising given Israel’s dominant position in the diamond industry. Israel currently chairs the Kimberly Process. The notion of self-regulation by any industry that is intrinsically linked to the violations it purports to want to eliminate is something that neither governments nor the general public should tolerate. It is impossible for the public to have confidence in the diamond industry’s attempt to self-regulate as long as it facilitates the trade in diamonds crafted in Israel, which, if the Kimberly Process applied the same standards to all diamonds, would rightly be classified as blood diamonds and treated accordingly.

Given the failure of Western governments to hold Israel to account for numerous breaches of international law including international humanitarian law, breaches of the UN Charter, its failure to abide by more than 30 binding UN Security Council Resolutions, breaches of EU Agreements and disregard for the 2004 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, they are unlikely to insist that the diamond industry broaden the definition of a conflict diamond to include cut and polished diamonds that fund human rights abuses.

Consumers should have the right to know where a diamond was crafted and consequently the right to choose an Israel-free diamond. These rights are not available to consumers today.

Jews ultimately use their blood and conflict diamond trade to foster the reign of Israel’s antichrist, via the Jews’ control of the world’s traded wealth

In 2005, Palestinian civil society called for an international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel similar to that which helped bring an end to the apartheid regime in South Africa. The international BDS campaign has to date focused much of its boycott activities on the most easily targeted Israeli products including fruit, vegetable, cosmetics and some plastic products. Targeting these products helps to increase public awareness of Israeli crimes and to some extent satisfies the public’s desire to register disapproval of Israel’s actions. However, these products account for only a small fraction of Israel’s total manufacturing exports. Even if the boycott of these products was totally successful it would not make a significant difference to the Israeli economy or to Israel’s ability to further its expansionist goals.

The diamond industry is a major pillar of the Israeli economy. No other developed country is so heavily dependent on a single luxury commodity and the goodwill of individual consumers globally. Anything that threatens the carefully-nurtured image of diamonds as objects of desire, romance and purity could have serious consequences for the Israel diamond industry and the country’s ability to continue funding its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, the construction of illegal colonies and other associated criminal activities that render it the pariah of the modern age.
The international BDS campaign needs to focus global attention on the diamond trade that facilitates Israel’s ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people and its neighbors in the region.

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