(Jerusalem Post) As many countries get ready to approve experimental COVID vaccines for the 5-11 age group, “trusted experts” have been offering advice on how to get children to overcome their natural and healthy aversion to these vaccines — and one of those “experts” — a Jewish psychiatrist in Israel — advocates the use of hypnotism on these vaccine-hesitant children:
While vaccine hesitancy can be associated with many reasons, one might have not taken into consideration enough: trypanophobia – fear of needles. According to a survey conducted on some 15,000 adults in the UK by Oxford University, trypanophobia accounted for about 10% of the cases of vaccine hesitancy, and offering treatment for the problem could give an important boost to the inoculation drive in the country.
Different studies suggest that around 20% of the adult population suffer from the condition, and as many as 50% of children and adolescents, according to psychiatrist Dr. Alex Aviv. Aviv, a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, is the director of the Hypnosis Advisory Committee to the Health Ministry. Hypnosis offers an important opportunity to treat trypanophobia, as well as other anxiety disorders, including those caused by the pandemic itself.
“Hypnosis can be described as an altered state of consciousness or awareness during which people are more open to receive suggestions and therefore more open to listen to the advice of their physician or therapist,” he said.
Israel has one of the most comprehensive laws on the subject in the world, allowing the technique to be used only for medical purposes by qualified professionals, and never as a form of entertainment. “The only reason to use hypnosis is for the sake of people’s health, to help reduce pain, to cure physical or a mental problem,” Aviv said. “It should never be employed or abused for a performance in front of a crowd….”
“We usually don’t address trypanophobia because we take it for granted the children fear needles,” Aviv noted. “However, as we prepare to vaccinate them against COVID, we must be aware of the issue.” Israel is expected to approve COVID inoculation for the 5-11 cohort on Wednesday.
“The reason why fear of needles is so common is connected to evolution,” Aviv said. “From early childhood, like all primates or other mammals, a child learns that pain equals danger. Being punctured is very common among all mammals, and they try to avoid it because it can lead to very serious injuries and even death.”
The expert noted that trypanophobia is not just a minor fear or preference but rather a full anxiety issue.
“The fear of needles can lead to full anxiety attacks when someone gets vaccinated, causing the heartbeat to accelerate, high blood pressure, feeling dizzy or nauseous, faint, sweating, shaking, difficulty in breathing and insomnia,” he said.“For this reason, children might really want to avoid getting inoculated and parents might allow it, either because they empathize with them or because they suffer from trypanophobia themselves,” he added. “Research has shown that someone can experience the phenomenon even when they hold a child getting a shot.”
Hypnosis, however, can help overcome the condition. “We first explore where the fear comes from, and especially if the child is not so young, we can explain to them the evolutionary reason behind it, adding that they now have the mental ability to understand that vaccinations are good,” Aviv remarked.
“In addition, our most effective tool is what we call exposure therapy,” he added. “We show the child some syringes without needles. We give the child the syringe to hold them and through hypnosis. We work to reduce the symptoms of trypanophobia that they start to experience. Eventually, the child can hold the syringe with the needle and play with the needle.” Through this treatment, patients gradually become less fearful and stop experiencing anxiety symptoms. “The problem can be overcome in very few sessions, between three and six,” Aviv said….
While Jews bristle at the “antisemitic canard” that they often attempt to exert a “svengali-like” control over the “gentiles” among whom they often dwell, it’s undeniable that Jews have figured prominently in the occupations of magicians and hypnotists.
In reality, they control the television industry — the mass media — by their own admission, and television has been the largest, ongoing MK-Ultra mind control experiment in the history of the world.
Indisputably, television promotes so-called Jewish “values” — and virtually censors and demonizes — all opposition to those “values” — television literally trains you to think like a Jew.
As the prominent Catholic priest, Leonard Feeney, once trenchantly observed, “Having a television in your home is like having a Jew in your living room” — and he said this in the 1950s, long before the Jews had achieved the virtual monopoly over the industry that they enjoy today.
Jews could never have gotten abortion-on-demand legalized without the mass mind control afforded by the television — literally hypnotizing women into believing that murdering their own unborn children is a moral act.
Not only is abortion permitted under Jewish law, it is actually required — Mishnah Ohalot 7:6 — but don’t look for that Jewish law in the Bible because it’s not there — but you will find it in the Jewish “holy book” the Talmud whose inspiration can be traced back to satanic rituals of occult Babylon.
If they could successfully convince mothers to self-righteously murder their unborn babies, they certainly could convince them to vaccinate the children they didn’t abort with these deadly, experimental, gene-altering injectables.
And to pull off the fake “COVID pandemic” and convince hundreds of millions of people into voluntarily taking their deadly, experimental “vaccines,” they first needed to hypnotize entire nations via the television — and social media.
Yes, they are coming after our children — because they know just how easy it is to manipulate people once their children start dying from these deadly vaccines but blaming it all on some magical, ever-mutating “virus.”
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