Jewish Inquisition in Argentina


The Jewish Inquisition, operating in Argentina through its major Jewish organizations, DAIA and AMIA, has been keeping Adrian Salbuchi in its crosshairs for some time now, given his essays and video productions in his Proyecto Segunda Republica that expose the aims of globalism, the global tentacles of Jewish power and its effects on the Western nations it has highjacked. He has also vigorously criticized the war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinian population. He has focused on the machinations of Jewish power in Argentina, the false flag attacks on the Israeli embassy and the AMIA center, as well as the assassination of the Jewish Argentinean Nisman meant to frame President Cristina Kirchner, and the ominous interest of Israeli and Jewish financial “investors” in Patagonia. He has also publicly challenged the leaders of these Jewish organizations to debate his statements.

Unlike France, however, where the various false flag “anti-semitic” acts have ushered in severe laws curtailing free speech and have tightened the hold on power of the hostile Jewish elite, the Argentineans reacted with disbelief and rejection to these maneuvers. Nowhere in the Western world have the two major Jewish organizations in a country been sued for treason as it has just happened in Argentina (see video).   It is in this context that must be placed the increased efforts of organized Jewry to gag the voices of its more effective critics, like Adrian Salbuch.

Also unlike in any other Western country, in Argentina there are Jews, some in positions of power, who openly and unequivocally dissociate themselves from Jewish organizations, accusing them of sabotaging the state’s judicial process, among other hostile acts. Hector Timmerman, the Foreign Minister is an outstanding example. In a letter to D. Leonardo Jmelnitzky, the President of AMIA, Héctor Timerman announced his ‘irrevocable decision’ to dissociate himself from in AMIA and forbid the Jewish organization DAIA from speaking in his name. In his open letter he motivated his decision on “the certainty that both organizations, through their obstructionist actions, have continued to impede the investigation of the terrorist attack of July 18 1994, at the same time waging a campaign to use that tragedy for puropses that are contrary to our national interests, both political and social.”

Whoa! Can we even  imagine John Kerry writing a similar letter to the ADL, or Laurent Fabius of France (author of the odious Fabius-Gayssot gag law) to his Jewish buddies in LICRA or CRIF? Anyone at all among the ruling elite in the UK? Never! Do the Argentineans have a better class of Jews? Is it the diet? The chimichurri? If so, they should export some. Make sure it is kosher to enhance sales.

Here is Adrain Salbuchi’s deposition:

Deposition before the Tribunal CABA (Buenos Aires), 10/6/2015, by Adrian Salbuchi

After countless threats, harassments, acts of aggression and personal insults I received, last February DAIA – the Delegation of Israelo-Argentinean Associacions — a pro-Israeland pro-zionist lobby that operates in Argentina — sued me for “anti-semitism” y discrimination in the Penal Tribunal of the [Autonomous] City of Buenos Aires.

Clearly, they chose to do it in this small municipal legal forum knowing that the municipal government of Mauricio Macri is absolutely and unconditionally supportive of zionism and the interests of DAIA.

You can see the deposition I presented before this Tribunal, in which I list sequentially and in light blue every accusation by DAIA, to which I give an ample and well-documented response.

This document contains a lot of interesting and valuable information (see the links) that refutes the vile accusations of the DAIA functionaries.

Please disseminate this document widely and also sign the petition at Change.Org to let DAIA know that there are thousands of us who reject their attempts to install censorship and to operate like a “thought police” – a criminal Thought Police in the worst Orwellian sense. This is the link.

Refutation: Salbuchi Adrian inf art 65 Discriminacion

Buenos Aires, June 11 2015


Salbuchi takes the accusations against him and demonstrates that it was not he, Salbuchi, who accused Israel but rather Israel’s political leaders as well as a significant part of the Israeli population that accused themselves through their acts and statements, which he simply included in his videos and articles, such as:

“scenes and images of war crimes committed by the Israeli military – especially the air force — against the civilian population in Gaza during the operation “Protective Edge” (en Hebrew, ִמ ְב ָצע צּוק ֵאי ָתן , Miv’tza Tzuk Eitan), carried out by Israel between July 8 and August 26 2014. These and many other horror images caused a general indignation and repugnance in the world’s public opinion as well as ours, locally, given their cruel ferocity, ruthlessness and violation of the most fundamental human rights of the Palestinian civilian population, which was clearly targeted with the intention of causing death, terror, destruction, suffering and humiliation of the population.”

“The official figures available on August 6, 2014, as communicated by the BBC report were of 1847 dead Palestinians muertos (half of them women, children and old people) compared to 3 Israeli civilians and 53 IDF troops dead.”

Salbuchi continues:

“According to Daily Mail, Knesset Vice President Moshe Feiglin demanded the concentration camps be built in Gaza and that not only all militants but also all those who support them be liquidated. The VP also proposed a detailed plan to complete the destruction of Gaza, including the expulsion of the Gazan population to other places in the world. His mention of his plan in his Facebook received 2,ooo “Likes.”

“The young Israeli Foreign Office assistant Ayelet Shaked stated in her Facebook:

‘They have to die and their homes must be demolished. They are our enemies and our hands must be dipped in their blood. This applies equally to the mothers of the terrorists we kill.’  Then she added:“behind every terrorist hide dozens of men and women without whom the terrorists could not operate. They are all enemy combatants and blood will pour on their heads.’  She asked  that all Palestinian mothers  be assassinated because they give birth to “little snakes” which they will send to hell with flowers and kisses. They must be all made to disappear, together with the lairs in which they gave birth to those snakes.”

Indeed, what can Sallbuchi or anyone else say that is more incriminating to the Jewish state than what the Jewish state does and says through its democratically elected and popular representatives?


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