Jew run FEMA’s camps in Alaska the new Siberian gulag prisons


Another example of the warfare that is being waged can be seen in the attempt to establish a mental Siberia in Alaska, which was called for in the Alaskan Mental Health Bill. A careful study of this Bill will make you see at once that the land set aside under the allotment could not be for that small territory. And the Bill, within itself, establishes such authority that it could be turned into a prison camp under the guise of mental health for everyone who raises their voice against Communism and the hidden government operating in our nation …

The Obama Administration is reportedly giving away Wrangell, Bennett, Jeannette and Henrietta islands in Alaska to Russia. The Federal government drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side. Many Americans have quickly drawn the conclusion that OIL INTERESTS are the PRIMARY REASON. However, based upon prior research, I would like to suggest there are even darker reasons BEHIND this give-away of these Alaska islands. Especially when it appears that martial law is so very near in North America.

As I write this intriguing article, I am living literally here ON THE COAST OF ALASKA. I have been here helping a friend since December 2011. No one here but God knows about the hidden prayers I am compelled to pray over the state of Alaska, America’s FUTURE SIBERIAN-TYPE GULAG STATE. Alaska is filled with detention camp facilities and closed military bases like Fort Greeley that can also be used similarly, including America’s largest known detention facility reportedly able to hold up to one million hapless Americans or more, under martial law.


This huge detention facility flies joint American and RUSSIAN flags … and Russian military advisers operate this gulag … uh, I mean detention camp. Just like ruthless Russian military have ALWAYS operated Russia’s infamous Siberian gulag detention camp system for decades. Just like American military also run infamous GITMO in Guantanamo Bay, or Abu Ghraib in Iraq.

MILITARY AND DETENTION CAMPS (with sordid abuses of prisoners) always seem to go together…kinda like a macabre version of “eggs n’ bacon” or “burgers and fries” combinations: one just doesn’t seem complete without the other.

Some years ago, I was a guest on Lenny Bloom’s “CLOAK AND DAGGER” broadcast, then out of Toronto, Canada, with his co-host Sherman Skolnick.

As they interviewed me about my in-depth investigative journalism exposing the New World Order gulag agenda for Canada, Sherman Skolnick interrupted me to insert some startling information: “Did you know that, even as we are speaking, RUSSIAN MILITARY UNDER SECRET TREATY WITH THE U.S GOVERNMENT are building DETENTION CAMPS FOR AMERICANS ON ISLANDS OFF THE COAST OF ALASKA????”

No, I didn’t … but I did know through a previous trip to investigate the NWO agenda in Alaska, that it was destined to become AMERICA’S FUTURE “GULAG STATE.” The detention camps and closed bases are HERE. The U.N/FEMA prisoner boxcars with shackles are HERE. Foreign troops are HERE. A joint American/Russian military tunnel beneath the Bering Straits (using military nuclear boring machinery) is HERE. Detention camps for Americans off Alaska’s coast are HERE.

Based on years of researching the NWO agenda for America, and repeatedly uncovering Russia’s secret involvement at various times, I personally believe that this island give-away may be tied in more with the Russian role in detention camps for Americans under martial law … perhaps Alaska’s versions of “Alcatraz” prison to detain America’s most determined “NWO RESISTER” freedom fighters under MARTIAL LAW.

Although at that time of our broadcast in 2004, Skolnick alluded to the Aleutian Islands as where they were secretly building the detention camps, ANY islands with appropriate terrain can be used for such purposes. While OIL and natural resources may indeed be a motivational part of this Obama Alaska island give-away to PUTIN, I would like to suggest that there may be darker underlying reasons that neither Obama or Putin dare mention to the American people.

Source …

Keep a watchful eye on Alaska, the future Jew run FEMA “GULAG STATE”.

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