Jeff Rense’s 1st Wife Describes his Cheating


May 27, 2012

left, First wife Janet was a 19-yr-old UCSB cheerleader. (This isn’t her.)

“I got an STD from Jeff because of his cheating.

“I had post-traumatic stress disorder due to the marriage and wish I had gotten some counseling.”

[Editor’s Note: Janet, the first of Jeff Rense’s nine wives, (married in 1969) is the fourth wife to speak publicly about a pattern of exploitation abuse spanning over 40 years

Jeff advertises for women in the following terms: “Jeff Rense is truly an American Treasure…known as a consummate journalist and patriot and equally known for his kindness, loyalty, sensitivity, compassion and intelligence. You believe in his values and admire his courage and sacrifice.

Jeff Rense is a fraud, a ticking time bomb for the “Truth movement” and everyone associated with him.  He poses as a defender of free speech while sicking his LA lawyers on web hosts that post the truth about him. If you can’t handle the truth, or if, like Jeff Rense, you can’t tell the difference, do not read this.]

by Janet

My name is Janet, and I was Jeff Rense’s first wife.
I received a phone call from “Megan,” Jeff’s latest ex-wife, on Mother’s Day.  What a shock to be reminded of Jeff and the horrible devastation he wreaked upon me over 40 years ago.
I had no idea I was merely the first in a long line of Jeff’s devastated ex-wives and girlfriends.  When I told Megan my story, she was surprised to learn how little he has changed over the years.

I was only 19-years-old, a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) when I met Jeff, who was a 23-year-old UCSB graduate. 

He had told Megan that he married me to avoid the draft; that I was just a “marriage of convenience.”  But that is a lie.  He married me because he loved me, or so he said.

Jeff was very handsome and charming.  It was 1969; there were riots happening in the student community (Isla Vista) adjacent to the UCSB campus.  Students had burned down the bank, and the community was filled with police cars and tear gas. 

Jeff was reporting on the riots for a local radio station.  He was also doing live sports reporting for the UCSB basketball games, and he was an after-school sports coach for 6th grade girls.


Before meeting Jeff, I was a happy person.  I was slightly shy, but I was  a cheerleader and had many good friends.

But that all changed.  Jeff would tell me repeatedly that my friends were   against me, and I could trust him.  He succeeded in isolating me.  (Megan said he does the same thing to her.)

I was very innocent when we married.  I thought our marriage would be monogamous, and that Jeff only loved and wanted me.  But instead he was very interested in sex with other women, and he told me about it. 

He showed me a pornographic picture he had taken of his last girlfriend before our marriage.  He told me of his plans for his 6th grade girls’ sports team that he coached.  He was choosing the most attractive ones and waiting until they were old enough, 17 or 18 years old for sex.  He called them his “farm team.”

While married to me, Jeff signed up for an art class at UCSB, even though he had already graduated.  He went to a class in which the students would draw pictures of nude models.  I found out from my friends that Jeff was having sex with the nude models.   I was distraught and inconsolable.  I got an STD from Jeff because of his cheating.


Jeff was also a “cheat” in other ways.  He spent most of his years in Isla Vista in a house he rented which was located right on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  But he never paid any rent.  That is because he overcharged his roommates.  Not only did he never pay rent but he would make a $250 profit each month – that is how much he overcharged.

He also took advantage of his knee injury by suing the school he was working for when the injury occurred (this is the school where he coached his “farm team”). 

He won a few thousand dollars from them, and used this money to start a small deli in Isla Vista, upstairs from the general store.  He called this deli “Mario’s” after Mario Lanza.  He was a huge fan of Mario Lanza.

I was very unhappy after learning that Jeff was cheating on me.   Jeff then pressured me to end the marriage and got us an annulment.   I did not receive anything; there was no settlement.  He kept our dog, Teddy.


I was a very different person after Jeff.  In looking back, I believe I had post traumatic stress disorder due to the marriage and wish I had gotten some counseling. 

I had completely lost all of my self-esteem.   I was out of contact with my friends.  I was so devastated that I would not leave the house.

I had gone from a happy cheerleader to being agoraphobic.  I dropped out of UCSB, and ultimately finished my degree at a much less prestigious school.  It took me years to recover from my experience with Jeff Rense.

I met Jeff’s stepmother (Paige Rense) while we were married. It was very sad; they had a very poor relationship.  I think that may be part of the reason he cannot have a happy relationship with a woman.

It is very hard for me to revisit this period.   I do not want to think of it.  I am telling my story in solidarity with the other women who were abused by Jeff, and to prevent there being any future victims.

Ex wife #3 — I Knew JR as a Predator

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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