Jealous woman hires hitman to inflict revenge on ex-fiance who had begun seeing her best friend

Emma Reynolds

Last updated at 6:49 PM on 11th January 2012

A jealous woman who hired a hitman to shoot her ex-fiance after he began a relationship with her best friend was jailed for 16 years today. 

Samantha Cadge, of Fulham, and her cousin Shane Worrall promised to pay Marwan Goodridge £10,000 in cash for exacting revenge on her former partner, postman Adam Harsent.

Goodridge lay in wait in a Rentokil van and shot Mr Harsent, 26, in the spine and the thigh, leaving him paralysed and wheelchair-bound for life. 

Samantha Cadge

Marwan Goodridge

Revenge plot: Samantha Cadge, left, hired Marwan Goodridge, right, to attack her ex-partner

Cadge, 26, began scheming to attack her former fiance after she found out that he had gone on holiday with her best friend Kelly McNamara.

The scorned woman told hitman Goodridge she would pay him once her ex-fiance was dead or seriously injured, using the money from an insurance policy on a home in Northamptonshire that she and Mr Harsent owned together.

Jailing her at Kingston Crown court today, Judge Nicholas Price said Cadge had become ’embittered’ and embarked on a determined campaign to hurt her former partner.

‘You, Cadge, were the driving force,’ he said. ‘Your motivation was part revenge, part anger and part financial. You knew if he was seriously injured you would get your share of a substantial sum of money from an insurance policy. 

‘It may well be that you were justified in feeling he had treated you badly in bringing an end to a long-standing relationship, and that was maybe more poignant because he then started a relationship with someone who had been a friend. 

‘But none of that goes anywhere near what you had asked your cousin to do, and it was not a simple request, but a persistent and determined campaign.

‘Your emails and texts show just how embittered you had become with Mr Harsent.’

Accomplice: Cadge's cousin Shane Worrall, pictured, arranged the hit and supplied the van - but then testified against his relative

Accomplice: Cadge’s cousin Shane Worrall, pictured, arranged the hit and supplied the van – but then testified against his relative

Her cousin Shane Worrall, 30, arranged the hit but then gave evidence against his cousin. He was jailed for 14 years, and Goodridge, 24, was given an indefinite sentence with a minimum term of nine years after the judge ruled he was a danger to the public. 

The court heard that Wandsworth council worker Cadge asked her cousin to help her after she hacked into her former fiance’s emails and realised he was on holiday with her friend. 

She and her cousin gave Goodridge a photo of the target and a handwritten note stating Mr Harsent’s home, work address and vehicle description.

On November 25 last year, the gunman was driven to Mr Harsent’s mother’s home by Worrall, in his Rentokil work van.

Goodridge disguised himself as a workman with a high-vis jacket and clipboard, and when Mr Harsent left the West Hendon home at 5.45pm for work, the hitman shot him in the base of the spine.

As Mr Harsent lay bleeding on the ground, Goodridge stood over him and shot him again in the thigh – leaving him permanently paralysed.

In his victim impact statement, Mr Harsent wrote: ‘Prior to being shot I was a healthy fit
and active young man. I have been told I may never be able to have
children, this upsets me greatly as children are something I always
hoped would be part of my life. 

‘The injuries cause me great pain and I
often lie awake at night in agony. The pain is so bad that I scream

‘I often have nightmares, I dream that I am back
outside my flat and I’m reliving being shot. I feel my independence and
the future I saw and worked for and planned have been deliberately taken
away from me.’

Judge Price, who described Goodridge’s actions as ‘chilling’, said: ‘He didn’t know the man, he had no animosity toward him, he did it as he was promised £10,000.’

The judge also noted that Mr Harsent had had spasms of pain as he gave evidence.

His attackers were caught after police carried out an unrelated
drugs raid on the Acton home of Goodridge and found the gun and the high
vis jacket he had used to blend in while he waited for his target.

They also discovered the note, giving
terrifying detail of Mr Harsnet’s home and movements in Cadge’s
handwriting, and photos of him at his birthday party which had both
cousins’ fingerprints on. 

Cadge and Mr Harsent had been childhood sweethearts and had been together for roughly five years before they split in October 2009. 

They had a brief reconciliation at the beginning of 2010 but she began plotting her revenge after she realised he was seeing Miss McNamara, his current partner. 

Edward Rees, defending Cadge, said: ‘The conduct upon which she embarked appears to have been the product of great hurt.’

Cadge, who worked as a benefit assessor, denied conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm but was convicted by a jury while Worrall, of Hammersmith, and Goodridge admitted the charge.

Goodridge also admitted possession of a firearm, ammunition and cannabis. All three were cleared of conspiracy to commit murder. 

Judge Price said: ‘He was shot with both barrels of the gun from a close range. The consequences were devastating to that young man… He will never walk again.

‘His hopes for the future have been destroyed and he has been condemned to a life sentence as a cripple.’ 

Cash totalling £2,600 found in Goodridge’s flat will go directly to Mr Harsent to begin compensating him, Judge Price said. 

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totally psycho!

A Rentokil van, very appropriate.

Keep her behind bars. It’ll be a brave/stupid man who gets into a relationship with her when she’s out.

16 years I would have jailed them all for life, it just shows you what they are capable of and I can’t see that changing whilst they are in prison. God help us when they get out.

Their out there folks…………………..

They do say that hell hath no greater fury than a woman scorned.

Man plays the game…
Man loses the game…

You really have to worry that these brain dead zombies are walking our streets.
They really have no regard for life,and their sheer stupidity sends them to prison.
Why did the judge decide the hitman, who is pure evil should serve a minimum of 9 years.
He should be locked up for 20 years and deported if an alien.

Deluded woman..

no wrath like a woman scorned

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