James Samuel Newbill left dogs on chain to starve to death in Calvert, Alabama

Alabama.. A place NO ONE should love.. These redneck pigs are disgusting.. and the townspeople are every bit as bad as the people who are these sadistic owners. May you all rot, from the inside out, and sooner rather than later. WHERE is the brave person with a heart in this town? Nowhere? None exist?

A man who wishes to remain anonymous has brought media attention to an egregious case of animal neglect, and says that unless something is done soon, he is going to watch his neighbors starve another dog to death.

The dog in question is chained in the front yard of a home in Calvert, Alabama. The anonymous informant says it has been there for over two years, suffering in silence.

“The way the dog looks it’s just a pitiful sight; to sit right there by the highway and look at it. I’ve been noticing the dog for about two years and he has been sitting there about to starve to death,” said the man. “In the summertime they don’t get any water. When it rains, they stay out in the cold. It’s just not good,” he said, his voice disguised to protect his identity.

As cars pass nobody seems to notice. Or have they just turned a blind eye? History would suggest that compassion is in short supply in Calvert. Drivers and passers-by have ignored a number of dog deaths in the exact same location.

“I think something like two to three dogs have starved to death on that same chain right there in that same yard,” said the man.

There is no question that this is a dog running short of time. When it stands, it is nearly skeletal, and it labors to move. To put it bluntly, this dog is dying in front of countless witnesses. Action is needed immediately.

Reporters say that animal control has been contacted, and apparently officers said they will ‘look into the matter’. Given the fact that an entire town has turned a blind eye to blatant cruelty for years, we have our doubts.



source: Fox10

Arrest made in starving dog case: fox10tv.com

UPDATE (2/14/12 18:00pm) An arrest has been made.

Fox10 reports: “FOX10 News was there when sheriff’s deputies arrested James Samuel Newbill and charged him with animal cruelty. He was taken to the Washington County Jail and is being held on $3,000 bond.

Officials say the dog was at the residence at the time of the arrest. SouthBARK made their way to McIntosh to pick up the dog. It will be taken to Ark animal Clinic in Mobile, where she will receive veterinary care.”

Arrest made in starving dog case

Updated: Tuesday, 14 Feb 2012, 10:52 PM CST
Published : Tuesday, 14 Feb 2012, 3:58 PM CST

McINTOSH, Ala. (WALA) – The Washington County Sheriff’s Office is conducting an investigation regarding a dog that appeared be neglected in a resident’s yard.

FOX10 News was there when sheriff’s deputies arrested James Samuel Newbill and charged him with animal cruelty. He was taken to the Washington County Jail and is being held on $3,000 bond.

The dog was found on Monday chained up in the yard without food or water in sight. When the dog stood up, you could clearly see its ribs and backbone

Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified about the dog around 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.

“Deputy Ronnie Southerland came to this location. Nobody answered the door, and he could not find the dog at that time,” said Washington County Deputy Chief Ferrell Grimes.

The owner of the property wishes to remain anonymous. He said the dog belongs to his stepson.

“The dog is fed every day just like the rest of them. The other dogs on the property are healthy. Something is wrong with the dog whether it be worms or what I don’t know,” the stepfather said.

The stepfather said when it comes to taking care of the dog, there isn’t a lot he can do.

“I’m on a limited income. And if I did that (took care of the dog), I’d have to fight with my wife and everything else; so, I’m in an impossible situation,” the stepfather said.

Officials said the stepfather turned Newbill in around 11 a.m Tuesday morning.

“He came to our office, gave us a statement of who the dog belonged to,” said Chief Deputy Grimes.

After Newbill was arrested, SouthBARK (Southern-Based-Animal-Rescue-Kinship) rescue volunteers said they set the dog free.

“The chain just weighs him down, and he can’t get away. He is just lying there in the cold; he can’t go find shelter,” said SouthBARK Adoption Coordinator Nadine Mosley.

Rescuers then walked the dog toward her new life.

“One more night in this cold, I don’t think she would have made it much longer,” Mosley said.

The dog was given water and food and taken to Ark Animal Clinic and Rehabilitation Center where she is receiving veterinary care.

The sheriff’s office said they received calls all the way from Rhode Island and Canada from people concerned about the dog.

“We don’t have animal control in Washington County. When we get calls about animal cruelty; we look into it, investigate if something needs to be done with the animal, and try to find an individual that will take the animal and nurse it back to health,” Grimes said.

Grimes said on average, Washington County Sheriff’s Office receives one call every two weeks for animal cruelty but most reports are concerning horses.

The case is under investigation.

While the event happened near the Mobile County line, it actually took place in Washington County. Mobile County had no jurisdiction in the case.

Animal rescuers said the dog will remain at the clinic for a couple nights. From there, the rescuers believe the dog will be taken to the Safe Haven Animal Care Kennels or S.H.A.C.K. They said they think she has a good chance of survival.

She will be at the ARK Animal Clinic and Rehabilitation center 251-342-2956 under BELLA if anyone wants to contribute to what will probably be extensive vet care, treatment and diagnosis.

To help her donate on paypal to [email protected]


Arrest made in starving dog case: fox10tv.com


  • February 14, 2012 10:31 am

    Where is this? Set him free yourself, please!!!!!


  • February 14, 2012 10:37 am

    DO SOMETHING!!!! Are those people heartless???? Where is their conscience?? Do they need someone from as far as Singapore to do something instead?????


  • February 14, 2012 10:40 am

    why not just feed the dog?how can you stand by for TWO YEARS?just throw it some food after dark if you don’t want to get involved


  • February 14, 2012 10:50 am
    Jennifer O

    What is wrong with people? Someone take that dog out of there! Go onto the yard, cut the chain, give the dog some food and get it OUT! To stand and watch that, film it, and then not help is criminal!


  • February 14, 2012 11:09 am

    Well I will be googling how to get a hold of anyone in the city and they are going to get a piece of my mind.


  • February 14, 2012 11:12 am

    I don’t understand this. Why doesn’t someone DO something? Two years this has been going on? How can people let this happen?


  • February 14, 2012 11:17 am

    This is totally disgusting!! PLEASE someone help that poor dog!!


  • February 14, 2012 11:18 am

    Someone please go and take this dog!! I have rescued 2 dogs in horrible situations like this–a friend and I pulled up in our car, I got out, took the dog and never looked back! One dog I kept and the other a friend adopted– happy endings for all! If I could go get this one I would!!

    This story needs to be submitted to all the news outlets in the area-
    The people who “own” this dog are guilty of abuse and should be charged-


    • February 14, 2012 5:02 pm

      Kudos to you for rescuing those dogs! Some will call it stealing. Too bad. Owners like this should not be allowed to have dogs. I don’t know why people bother to have any animal if they don’t want to be bothered taking care of it. Just leave ‘em be to find homes elsewhere.


  • February 14, 2012 11:22 am

    Does anyone know the address?? I will bombard the ASPCA and animal control until they do something!!! If anyone knows you can pm me at [email protected]


    • February 14, 2012 12:13 pm

      I just sent an urgent email to the Dogs Deserve Better email rescue alias. I sent them the link to this article. If they send me any updates I will report back!


  • February 14, 2012 11:43 am

    Why are people like that still allow to own a dog?! It is appalling. Let the owmer(s) be chained and starved for a change. Maybe they will realize that they need to have a little compassion.


  • February 14, 2012 12:09 pm

    The organization Dogs Deserve Better should be contacted. They actually helped me get a puppy in my neighborhood being neglected on a zip line released from his crappy owners and into a home with a good family. This is after Animal Control said that the owners were doing nothing wrong.

    If no one has contacted DDB yet I will! Please let me know!


  • February 14, 2012 12:16 pm
    Corey Bond

    I run a group called K.A.R.M.A. “Keepers of Animals Rights for the Mistreated and Abused” and we may have members local willing to get this dog in a covert manner but need the exact location/address. Please send address to me via PM to Corey Bond. Thanks you…;=}


    • February 14, 2012 7:37 pm
      Betty Kelly

      This is how we do it here in Wv, to me the passerbys and the anonomyous man are just as guilty, they could have threw this angel food over the fence till someone could have gotten the baby, I have dug and went under fences, climbed fences, cut through and jumped fences, but the dog could have been fed and watered even under the fence, people are very uncaring in Alabama, friend there a lot more dogs in Alabama who need rescued in a bad way, go get’m that’s what you’re there for, you can do it, I see so many on this site being abused, neglected and abandoned there in Alabama, thanks for what you are doing, I do so much of the same thing here, if you ever need me let me know, you will be greatly rewarded by our Saviour God.


  • February 14, 2012 12:18 pm

    Call 251-847-2202 (Sherrif’s Dept) and tell them to remove the dog. They don’t have animal control in that town. If enough of us call they WILL have to act. I just talked to them and they said they were still looking into it. Bullshit. Something needs to be done now.


  • February 14, 2012 12:20 pm

    This is horrible. I do not understand people. Having a pet is a choice if you can’t or wont take care of them then don’t get a pet


  • February 14, 2012 12:27 pm

    Just go take that poor dog, & get him the help he needs. Why doesn’t anyone feed him, & give him water?! Go at ight, of you’re afraid the owners will see. If I wasn’t in NY, is take the dog right off the chain, he’d come home w me, & my Insane Dog Posse…


  • February 14, 2012 12:47 pm

    Fox10 News has been in contact with the Washington County Sheriffs Office.

    Deputy Chief Ferrell Grimes said officers went to the residence at 8:30 Tuesday morning.

    The dog was not found at the residence and no one was home.
    From a local news station http://www.fox10tv.com/dpp/news/local_news/mobile_county/dog-appears-to-be-starving-in-front-yard...
    “Grimes said the sheriffs office is in the process of obtaining a warrant for animal cruelty.

    The case is under investigation.

    Fox10 is staying in contact with the Washington County Sheriffs Office.

    We will continue to follow and update the story as we receive more information.”


    • February 14, 2012 5:07 pm

      please make sure you follow up …this is just horrible thing to do to an animal! Thank gawd for the neighbors saying something to someone!! please let me know what comes of this…thank you for reporting on this it needs to be out in the open for it to stop! all there animals should be taken away!


  • February 14, 2012 12:50 pm

    Dear god – will someone not help this dog? What’s the matter with people – just go and get it. It’s obvious that no one cares about it so just do it! I’ve contacted Shannon at ARME in the US (i’m from Canada) to see if she can help out quickly.


  • February 14, 2012 12:55 pm

    Once animal control steps in, they will kill this dog because of it’s breed. This guy should be charged and prevented from owning any animals again and if he has children, they better be taking a closer look at the living arrangements.


  • February 14, 2012 1:00 pm

    What’s wrong with people – just don’t stand there and take a video. Take the dog! Its obvious the owners don’t care about it. What are they going to do? Go after the person who took it – like they will have a case. JUST TAKE THE DOG AWAY!!!! Do this before they do something even more terrible to the poor thing!


  • February 14, 2012 1:05 pm

    An ordinary citizen has no jurisdiction here and would be arrested if they stole the dog. Even taking food and water to the dog could be considered trespassing if you stepped onto the property. What the public CAN do is document this neglect and cruelty with photos and report it over and over and over, and keep following up. If the ACO won’t do anything, contact the sheriff. If the sheriff won’t do anything, contact the mayor, if that doesn’t work, contact the governor … keep going higher until somebody listens.


    • February 14, 2012 2:50 pm

      Sometimes you can’t abide by the law. If its illegal to save a dog from someone starving it and neglecting it, than there is something wrong with the law and I sure wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I saw this and did nothing because I was worried about being arrested. I’m sure I’d win in the end.


  • February 14, 2012 1:16 pm
    Patsy Hagen

    It’s good this person has brought this to everyones’ attention, but why isn’t HE doing more? Why hasn’t he called the animal shelter in that city to lodge a complaint of animal abuse?


  • February 14, 2012 1:27 pm

    The Sherrif’s Deptartment called me back and said they just went to check on the dog and he is gone. Shame on them for not seizing this dog when they had the chance. The POS owners probably dumped him somewhere in the woods to keep out of trouble. I told them they need to make the owner’s tell them where he is so they can get him and save him…and prosecute the owners. Please call the Sherrrif’s Deptartment and insist they follow through. 251-847-2202 . It takes a village to save a life.


    • February 14, 2012 3:11 pm
      Joni Noble

      I also have spoken to the Sheriff’s dept and there is a warrant out for his arrest. I told them I would love to have the dog if they find it! <3 =)


  • February 14, 2012 2:42 pm

    I would get bolt cutters and take him in a hot second if I lived there.
    I would do it in broad daylight too and dare the scum of that town to do anything about it. I would NEVER let that pass in front if my eyes. I would rescue all that were put there time and time again. I would write letters to senators, call police, go over heads as many times as I needed to until I got some action. Why is this man just bitching about it?? Do something you idiot! You have watched this for 2 years and have done nothing until now ? Unbelievable!


  • February 14, 2012 2:56 pm

    Why didn’t someone arrest that slack-jawed female yokel who answered the door in the first place? You hillbillies kill me. What is wrong with you?!


    • February 14, 2012 6:25 pm

      @LLS: You “hillbillies”? Like this situation isn’t common all over the country? Good intentions hopefully coming from frustration but a crappy comment.


  • February 14, 2012 3:55 pm

    Has anybody aske where the dog is and what they did with him.


  • February 14, 2012 4:17 pm

    The guy who took this picture, you belong in a cell without any food or water your a real
    Dixon to have watched this for two years.


  • February 14, 2012 4:18 pm
    michele eighmy

    Nadine Mosley posted SouthBARK Adoptable Dogs in Mobile County Alabama Nadine Mosley posted comment ….The dog was gone this morning and nobody is home … FROM ME they were going to try and see if they could help him or figure out something and as of this morning when they got there he was gone….. im still hoping that maybe another rescue picked him up but sadly this owner may have hid him or worse to cover his crime up … im sO sad . but at least this rescue tried .if anyone sees him again please post or contact this rescue PLEASE!!


  • February 14, 2012 4:55 pm

    any updates guys?


  • February 14, 2012 5:13 pm

    Do we know if the owners gave up the information on the dog’s location? There is an offer for adoption on this thread.


  • February 14, 2012 5:26 pm

    I will pledge $20 to any reputable rescue that is able to get this baby. My name is kat and personal email is [email protected].


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