Published on Apr 29, 2015
Veterans Truth Network.Com – Gordon Duff Exposed
NOTE: In the first 30 minutes Jim Fetzer and Stew Webb are convinced that operations “Jade Helm” and Canada’s “Maple Resolve” are unconstitutional, deep state operations intended to control the US population.
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Stew Webb, Jim Fetzer, Dean Henderson, Gene Tatum, and Bruce Campbell come together in this 3 hour special to give the proof that Gordon Duff is a lying fraud that only wants to try to control the alternative media so he can put out his known lies. Gordon Duff has put out lies such as vaccines are good for you, Jade Helm is no big deal, Jesus never existed, he protects Lee Wanta, he runs security for Africa and that he would never censor his writers!
Jim Fetzer puts out some really disturbing information that must be investigated. As soon as the mutiny began on Gordon Duff and all the real patriots began leaving and moving over to Veterans Truth, two radio show talk show hosts were targeted for murder! Stew Webb was run off the road last Saturday night – the same assassination team that has tried to kill him before were involved and he was chased at speeds of over 100 miles per hour! Jeff Rense was targeted on the same weekend when he was about to put on Jim Fetzer and Dean Henderson that were going to expose Gordon Duff’s censorship!
Gordon Duff told Stew Webb that he had “called off” the assassination squads when Stew joined VeteransToday and then as soon as he quits he gets targeted for murder! So it appears to me that either Gordon Duff is directly involved in the attempted murder or at the very least made the call to his “controllers” that I’ve lost control of Stew Webb and Gene Tatum and so they were again targeted for death! This is insane! I need all truth warriors to spread the word about Gordon Duff in this HUGE interview. He is never to be trusted again and VeteransToday is nothing more than a “limited hangout” disinformation hub that tried to gather really good writers to control them. Those great patriots are now leaving VeteransToday in the biggest mutiny in alternative media history! This is actually a very good thing as Gordon Duff is fully exposed and we will NEVER be fooled again. He’s fake and was put there to control people and tell people to relax in the warm pot and that Jade Helm was no big deal! Get the word out now!
All patriots and veterans should now go to Veterans Truth which is 100% uncensored and run by patriots who have been blowing the whistle and taking action for DECADES! I will never trust ANYBODY but Stew Webb, Gene Tatum, Jim Fetzer, Don Fox, Dean Henderson, Bruce Campbell and all the others joining this incredible network! We are united and we won’t be fooled or controlled again! I supported Gordon only because he promised arrests and had stopped killers from taking out Stew Webb so I thought he had power. I was wrong. I correct mistakes when I make them. Gordon Duff promised action, arrests and no censorship – he lied! He’s a total fraud and Stew Webb reports that two sources say Duff is directly working for new world order pig Zbigniew Brezezinsky which I do believe. It appears to me that Gordon could very well be directly or indirectly linked to the attempted murder of Stew Webb and Jeff Rense when they went off his reservation of lies. Why did killers try to kill Stew Webb and Jeff Rense right after they began putting people on the radio telling the truth that Gordon Duff has lied, censored and failed to take the actions he promised?
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Duff is a Rothschild and I told him I was going to expose him.
The woman of the apocalypse ✌️