It’s Official: There is No Pandemic
Tap News / Weaver
by tts-admin | Apr 24, 2021 | 0 comments
Commentary – April 23, 2021
According to the Office for National Statistics there is no pandemic or even a surge in excess deaths. A glance at the ONS mortality rates for the past thirty years reveals little meaningful difference in the number of deaths at the height of the claimed Covid-19 “pandemic” in 2020 and the number of fatalities in 1990.
Yes, there were 43,156 more deaths in 2020 than in 1990 but that’s only because the population was commensurately bigger. During that interval the UK population had grown by more than 9 million over the 1990 figure.
So when you factor this into the equation there is no appreciable growth in the number of excess deaths.
In other words, in terms of hard statistical data there is no pandemic. Despite all the fuss, the Covid-19 “pandemic” is a crisis that has largely been created by politicians working in conjunction with a corrupt and compliant media.
Click to enlarge
Office for National Statistics mortality rates 1990-2020
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