The numerous rhetorical ‘butt-whoopins’ which The Anti-New York Times has proudly administered to Satan’s Pope have offended more than a few readers and even prompted some to withdraw their monthly donations. With this latest pro-Pope puff-piece from Sulzberger’s putrid propagandists, we graciously await some apologies and hopefully a reinstatement or two of cancelled subscriptions / donations. Your humble reporter here hates to say “I told you so”(actually, I enjoy it), but here it is straight from the Global arbiter of Marxism, the Jew York Slimes. Read it and weep:
“Six months after becoming the first Latin American pontiff, invited an octogenarian priest from Peru for a private chat at his Vatican residence. Not listed on the pope’s schedule, the September 2013 meeting with the priest, Gustavo Gutiérrez, soon became public — and was just as quickly interpreted as a defining shift in the Roman Catholic Church.
Father Gutiérrez is a founder of liberation theology, the Latin American movement embracing the poor and calling for social change, which conservatives once scorned as overtly Marxist and the Vatican treated with hostility. Now,Father Gutiérrez is a respected Vatican visitor, and his writings have been praised in the official Vatican newspaper. Francis has brought other Latin American priests back into favor and often uses language about the poor that has echoes of liberation theology.”
Godless Liberation Theologists used Christ’s charitable concerns for the poor of his day as a pretext to promote Marxist Revolution throughout Latin America.
Yikes! What Communist Black “Reverends” such as Marxist Loser King, Jesse Jackal and Al Charlatan are to Black Baptist churches in America, “Liberation Theology” Priests are to Latin America. They are false-faced Red infiltrators who pretend to care about “the poor”. Previous Popes understood this and tried to suppress these cunning Commie clergymen. Once on the fringes, the “Liberation Theologists” and their pseudo-ideology of “social justice” are not only back in fashion, but now have one of their own in the Vatican. This Slimes article is a wink-wink confirmation of that fact.
If the Pinko Pope of “Liberation Theology” was truly sincere about addressing “the root causes of “poverty”, then why doesn’t he follow the actual teachings of Jesus by condemning three of the most significant causes of modern-day poverty:
1: Debt-based money supply / usury (Jesus chased the money-lenders out of the Temple)
2: Sinful and irresponsible lifestyles (Jesus told Mary Magdalene to stop being a whore)
3: Ongoing wars and the related refugee crises – caused by the Globo-Zio Axis of Evil (“Blessed are the peace-makers”, said Jesus.)
The clown in the Vatican doesn’t make such judgements. “Who am I to judge?” when asked about sodomites. All he knows how to do is call on politicians (the poverty makers!) to tax and spend more – itself another cause of poverty. The only people that Frankie has judged are the socially conservative Cardinals and Bishops who are being demoted under his reign.
Unlike Fake Frankie, gentle Jesus was not afraid to make moral judgements when he had to .
1: Jesus opens up a can of Holy Whoop-Ass on the Federal Reserve Board of the day.
2: Jesus saves Mary Magdalene from stoning, but he then admonishes her to “sin no more“.
“By their fruits ye shall know them”, as Jesus warns in the Book of Matthew. With that admonition in mind, let us again review the Pinko Pope’s shockingly Red resume:
- Aided and abetted known Communist activists in Argentina (here)
- Is softening up the Church’s position on homosexuality (here) (here)
- Is softening up the Church’s position on “forgiving abortion” (here)
- Is removing conservative Bishops and Cardinals from their positions (here)
- Advocates for “anti-racism” and illegal immigration into the US and Europe (here)
- Incites against “income inequality” (buzzword for “I want socialism”) (here)
- Is pushing for UN action to combat non-existent “Global Warming” (here)
Anti-homosexual U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke was demoted by Frankie Faker. Meanwhile, Satan’s Pope kisses the hand of Agedo Foggia, a controversial priest who openly advocates for homosexual marriage.
The amazing fact that magazines such as the sodomite Advocate, Marxist Time, and degenerate Rolling Stone have turned this wicked monster into an international “rock-star” is all the evidence needed to establish his unholy fakeness.
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