It’s not just WHITE REPLACEMENT … it’s also a highly organized GENOCIDE of Christian Patriots across the USA.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Take heed, Patriots!  Not only are the millions of illegal aliens being deliberately ferried into the USA by the NWO globalist cabal coming to replace white Christians, the vast majority are fighting age men who are all future mercenaries who will eventually be under orders to wipe out all American Patriots.

Why do you think the vast majority of illegal aliens now
invading all of our borders are young fighting-
age men from countries with LOTs
of anti-American angst?

“After illegally crossing the border, these foreign mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, terrorists and extremists, anarchists and agitators, criminals and convicts, drug dealers and mules, rebels and revolutionaries, insurgents and insurrectionists are being transported to all of the sanctuary cities and states to create overwhelming chaos, confusion, and conflict via rampant and violent criminal activity.  But that is only the preliminary stage of this NWO-inspired revolution necessary to soften up and scare the local populations, just as the bankster-funded bolsheviks did in Russia prior to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.”
(Source: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Most Destructive and Naked Act of Treason in U.S. History….)

Not only that, but their long range plan to is much more ominous and devastating to this Republic.  For example:

Operation Gladio use the open U.S. borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered

• Gladio is also stealthily building a secret army, nationwide, of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other-soldier-of-fortune wannabes

• The primary purpose of those secret armies now being furtively trained in strategic locations around the USA is to prepare those mercs for the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.
(Source: The Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History)

State of the Nation
December 21, 2023

N.B. The following Natural News exposé further fleshes out the skeleton of how the weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ fit into this violent takeover of America plot.

COVID “vaccine” genocide a long-planned, carefully orchestrated depopulation operation to exterminate certain groups of human beings

Ethan Huff
Natural News

A whistleblower from the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, who was later fired for doing this, extracted and leaked data from his country showing that excess deaths have spiked at every interval when another COVID jab or “booster” was unleashed.

These excess deaths were not just random, though. Based on the hard data, which we are told is unaltered and in its original form, the shots were carefully and premeditatively designed and spread to injure and murder millions of people.

With each new jab that gets released, it becomes clearer based on the data that the shots were designed to target specific genetics, mainly those of historically white Christian nations with European ancestry.

According to State of the Nation, there were three primary goals associated with Operation Warp Speed:

1) Extermination of white people

2) Depopulation of historically Christian nations

3) Genocide of all patriots in every country, especially those with European bloodlines

(Related: COVID jabs were a planned genocide to intentionally cause harm.)

Five Eyes nations primary COVID jab targets

Five countries in particular – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States – were the primary nations to be targeted with COVID injections, as well as all the tyranny that preceded and accompanied it.

The whole world suffered under some degree of COVID tyranny except for, perhaps, Sweden, but these “Five Eyes” member nations were the most aggressively targeted by the globalists who unleashed COVID to target their enemies.

Five Eyes, by the way, is an intelligence alliance comprising the five aforementioned countries. All five nations are bound to a multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

“Each of these English-speaking countries has been subjugated by the New World Order globalist cabal faster than you can say THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC,” State of the Nation reported back in 2021, also noting that many other European countries were hit hard by COVID tyranny.

It turns out that the government administrator in New Zealand who leaked the incriminating data currently making the rounds of independent and social media has been arrested by authorities for “misuse” of his position in spreading “misinformation.”

The man is featured in the video below which offers a powerful testimony as to the data’s credibility, what it means, and how it was compiled. This is a must-watch video so have a look:

“The vax wasn’t created for COVID,” one commenter wrote about all this. “COVID was created for the vax.”

“COVID was a psy-op,” responded another. “There was nothing other than the seasonal flu.”

“It was a psy-op to get everyone to run to their nearest pharmacy to get the jab,” said someone else, noting that since the COVID “virus” has never been isolated, it has thus never technically been proven to exist. “No one died from or with COVID because COVID doesn’t exist.”

“There is no SARS-CoV-2 ‘virus’ because there are NO ‘viruses.’ Therefore, there was no lab leak. You can’t make something more virulent when that something never existed in the first place. Those earlier deaths were from the flu (which is actually the body detoxing) that was relabeled ‘COVID,’ placing people needlessly on ventilators, giving, especially the elderly, Remdesivir, and relabeling all deaths (cancer, car crash, heart attacks etc.) as COVID deaths.”

When all is said and done, will anyone who took the COVID jabs still be alive in the coming years? Find out more at

Sources for this article include:



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