Israel’s Cue: Syrian ‘Rebels’ Occupy Golan Heights, Seize UN Weapons and Vehicles

Perfect timing. We were waiting for the stage director to whistle-in Israel somewhere into this ISIS Crisis and to help the US and Britain with their Syrian regime change project. Here is the perfect pretext…

In 1981, after a long-running, brutal attempted Israeli land grab of Syria’s Golan region, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 497, which called the State of Israel to withdrawal from its de facto annexation of the Golan Heights. A UN Peacekeeping Force was put in place there to maintain that key buffer zone. Ever since then, Syria and Israel have observed their peace agreement, but Israel still considers this part of Syria to be part of ‘Greater Israel’ and would certainly take advantage should the area ever become compromised.

Looks like their opportunity has arrived.

A seemingly perfect new crisis has arrived, at the perfect time. Problem, reaction, solution…

This just off the wires:

Al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra fighters have driven out hundreds of UN peacekeepers from the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, taking their uniforms and vehicles, Syrian UN envoy Bashar Jaafari said.

The fighters “had succeeded in occupying all of the Syrian side” of the Golan Heights, forcing troops from the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to retreat.

“The terrorists are now using United Nations cars, which hold the emblem of the United Nations forces in the Golan. They are using the uniform of the UNDOF, the weapons of UNDOF, the positions of UNDOR to shell on the Syrian army as well as on the civilians in villages,” Jaafari told reporters.

The UN Security Council is scheduled to discuss the Golan Heights situation during a session on Wednesday.


Why is this latest rebel incident crucial to the region, and the Middle East as a whole? Because it could force a new UN Resolution and drag the international community into a genuine hot conflict zone, or bring Israel in. Either way, this can become a real war very quickly.The implications of that should not be underplayed.

As we reported already at 21WIRE, the al Qaeda affiliate al Nusra Front terrorist group in Syria is allied closely with the US-backed “moderate rebel” FSA faction, so any aid by the west to the FSA is also aiding and giving comfort to al Nusra and their sister organisation ISIS(L). So expect Washington to be very cautious and quiet about this latest pivotal news in the Golan Heights.

The al Nusra Front terror group is known to be both financed and directed by Saudi intelligenceand Prince Bandar’s clique, so as a close US ally, it’s no surprise that Washington is more than a little shy on this incident. Despite logic to the contrary, Saudi Arabia and Israel also have a ‘special relationship’ behind diplomatic doors. If Israel makes a move into the Golan, you can expect total silence from the US.

If Israel is brought into the fold in an official capacity, an event like this could change the entire shape of Washington’s double war – the US war with ISIS(L) and the US war for regime change in Syria.

It’s well known about Israel’s desire to eliminate the Syrian Air Force and all Syrian air defenses. In the last 24 months, and with the help of Turkey, Israel has bombed Syrian government and military installations at least 5 times.

Israel is already in the game with Syria, but the question now is just how far will it use the current fog of instability to achieve its own goals.

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