‘Israel pushes Obama for Iran war’

Obama said his policy towards Iran is to prevent the country from producing nuclear weapons.

Obama also slammed the GOP talk of war as ‘bluster” and ‘big talk”.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mike Gravel, former US senator, to share his opinion on this issue.

The following is a transcript of the interview:

Press TV: Mr. Gravel, we have Barack Obama talking of continuing diplomatic channels with Iran and yet on many occasions saying all options are on the table when dealing with Iran, specifically pointing to the option of war. So which one of his statements are we to believe?

Gravel: Well, you are going to have to believe the last one but it is somewhat hypocritical because he’s really with his comments that everything is on the table. He has left himself wiggle room to be able to tell the Jewish community, AIPAC and primarily Israel, that he is prepared to support them.

But what has happened now is he has trapped himself. If he could only realize that the best opportunity he will ever have politically to bring about peace in the Middle East would be to take on AIPAC to Jewish lobby head-on on this issue because the Republicans have gone crazy and are acting irresponsible.

And I think very clearly if the line is drawn with AIPAC and the Republicans against President Obama’s re-election, he will win overwhelmingly.

The people know that we have a disaster in Iraq, that we have a disaster in Afghanistan; yet his administration continues to put the best face on it possible and to curry favor with the Jewish community in the United States.

And I would predict that if he would take it on face on, the Jewish community in the United States would not vote for war, nor would the Jewish community in Israel.

This is AIPAC with Netanyahu and the leadership of Israel that are warmongers and want to go to war but he is not drawing that line in the sand. What he is doing, he is trying to play both ends against the middle, talking about the rhetoric in the resolution.

In fact, I might say that this proof that he should take this tactic because they have only got 44 senators so far and AIPAC is all over the Congress today. Thousands of people are running the House of Congress trying to get their senators to vote for this resolution and they have only got 44.

Normally, on a Jewish issue like this, they can get 70-80 percent, 80 members of the Senate to vote but they cannot do that this time and that shows their weakness.

The resolution has been offered by Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman and Graham just came back from meeting with Netanyahu in Jerusalem and you were saying that. You know, we have got to give assurances so that the people who want to avoid war, how hypocrite the whole statement is and the resolution is one ball of hypocrisy that is totally one-sided against the position that Iran holds, but that is the fact we face.

Obama is in a pickle that he has created by what he said in the past and he could get out of it if he were able to exercise some courage because there has never been a better time to raise the issue of peace and war in the United States over AIPAC and Netanyahu’s government pushing for war. They will lose in the election.

Press TV: Indeed, speaking of election, it is an election year for America and we are seeing the Republicans openly speaking about covert aggressive operations in and war with Iran. When it comes to such harsh words, just how can Obama fair out against the Republicans?

Gravel: If he would step forward and admit that we are spending millions of dollars to destabilize the regime of Iran, that we have been nothing but the handmade to Israel’s position towards Iran, all of the resolutions that have been passed at the UN Security Council have all been pro-Iran.

The IAEA now under the control of a Japanese appointee that we supported and how he found out, he in statements to the American ambassador which has been released by Wikileaks, he says that he favors the American and Israeli position and will use his office in that regard.

That is exactly what he has done with this terrible report which is biased against Iran. We come back to it very straight forward. Obama has a choice to fight it out politically and he could win overwhelmingly because he could take the position that we will not go to war on the flimsy evidence put forth by Israel.

Press TV: And so with what has been discussed and of course everything considered, how do you see Washington’s approach towards Iran change or be modified in the foreseeable future?

Gravel: Well, what is difficult is that you can say based on the record that AIPAC will prevail in getting the United States Congress to push for war.

I do not think that will happen. I think the proof right now of their vulnerability is the fact that AIPAC can only get 44 senators to go on this terrible resolution which is really a ball of hypocrisy.

And so all I can say is if we had some cooperation from Iran in this regard and we do and they are willing to come back to the bargaining table, but also a way to discount the terrible quotes that are being used about the leadership of Iran wanting to annihilate Israel.

That’s a misinterpretation of statements in the past and that should be cleared up once and for all right now and that I think would help dampen any possibility of going to war.


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