‘Israel has chronic enmity toward Syria’

According to Monday reports by Israeli media, Ya’alon said there was no doubt that Assad must step down.

The Israeli call for the resignation of the Syrian president comes as the United States and a number of other Western countries including the UK and France and countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have supported measures against the Damascus government.

Press TV has conducted an interview with George Jabour, the president of the Syrian UN Association from Damascus, to further talk over the issue. What follows is the transcription of the interview:

Press TV: Dr. Jabour, I would like to ask you if you are at all surprised about these Israeli statements coming out, and secondly, how does this reflect upon these Syrian “opposition” itself?

Jabour: I suppose the Israeli statement was expected. There is nothing strange in it. There is enmity between Syria and Israel. Syria is for the rights of the Palestinians and Israel violates the rights of the Palestinians, deprives the Palestinians of their rights.

This is something very well known and then a part of Syria is occupied by Israel. As we know, it is the Golan Heights. So there is nothing strange in Israel being not only against President Bashar al-Assad but against Syria altogether.

Now the Western countries are calling for the president to quit. I would see that for the president to quit or not to quit, it is a matter of the sovereignty of the Syrians; it is a matter of the self determinations of the Syrian people.

I would like to note that the position of Russia and the position of China are more logical in this regard, more in consonant with international law and they say that it is up to the Syrian people to choose its leader.

Press TV: Dr. Jabour, interestingly, Ya’alon said that Israel will not take sides in Syria while he made the statement. I would like to ask you again about this the Syria opposition and their connection to Israel at all because there have been rumors that the Syrian opposition has set things like it would strike a peace deal with Israel, for example if it were to come into power.

Jabour: Many of the countries that support the opposition in Syria such as the United States, such as France, such as Britain certainly entertain very good relations with Israel.

So the Syrian opposition that is of course located in those countries is torn between the demands of the Syrian people that Syria should continue its traditional policy of enmity toward Israel and between the demands of the countries that harbor them and those countries certainly would like them to be more lenient towards Israel.

I suppose the statement of Israel that it will not take sides means simply that it supports the opposition in the sense that it is its interest to support the opposition. However, I think that the Syrian people in general would very much like to keep distant of Syria on the Arab-Israeli question as it is now.

This is a traditional stand and it dates to the days before Hafiz al-Assad, the president who took over in 1970 before the Ba’ath took over in 1963, it is the traditional stand of Syria that started again back in 1918 when Syria was liberated from the Turks; we were against the bill for declaration from the very beginning.


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