‘Israel dominating power in US politics’

Press TV has conducted an interview with journalist and writer Bashar Zeedan in London to further discuss the issue.

The video also offers the opinions of two other guests: author and historian, Webster Griffin Tarpley from London and director of the center for Middle East studies Mr. Hisham Jaber from Beirut.

The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV Mr. Zeedan, in your perspective who really leads this relationship between the United States and Israel?

Zeedan Well, to define this relationship we need a close look at the numbers. The Jewish ethnic group in America is not more than 2 percent of the population.

Yet, however, half of America’s billionaires are Jewish. The four CO’s of the largest Hollywood studios are Jewish, three CO’s of the largest TV stations and the CE (chief executive) of the New York Times.

So the control of the American population in terms of mass media is highly dominated by their tools and that’s why they can always change the American decision towards the Israeli one. So it is a numbers game and money and power.

Press TV What about that Mr. Zeedan, Mr. Tarpley is saying that there should be no war and that Israel should be given an ultimatum, how likely is that to happen, given the current situation in American affairs?

Of course Mr. Tarpley talked about a weak President Obama, is it a week president Obama or is it the system itself? Because prior to Obama we saw Bush and prior to him we had seen the Israelis basically more or less getting their ways with Washington?

Zeedan The problem is not Obama himself it’s any American president who does not support the AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) decisions or the Israeli prime minister’s decision, he will have problems in elections.

If you remember last year when Netanyahu addressed the American congress he was applauded and cheered 56 times- this doesn’t happen in a circus even.

But this is to prove to the president and especially Obama because Obama when he was elected, he was promoting change and balance in the Middle East and then he realized that if he wants to be reelected he has to go their way.

So the problem is not in addressing the president but addressing as your guest said the congress and the power centers in the American administration.

So as for a war on Iran the American administration are sending messages that they are not in favor of this move but if Israel decided to go ahead with it, they will not do it without guaranteeing interference from the American administration.

So the decision for this war is made in Tel Aviv not in Washington and Washington will only follow.

Press TV Mr. Zeedan, let’s look at the opposite possible scenario, how likely is it that what we’re looking at in dealing with the United States and Israeli relations is actually a political game and that as a matter of fact Tel Aviv is doing exactly what Washington wants it to do but in this way Washington’s hands, the hands of the United States are not dirtied. How do you see this as a possibility?

Zeedan Well, we have to realize that America controlled the Egyptian decision for over 30 years by only 200 million a year when giving out up to 4 billion a year you should have some effect on the Israeli policies but having Israel in the Middle East as their mad dog and scaring other countries by Israel is a possible scenario.

But we have to keep in mind that Israel puts its interest over the American interests in all cases so there might be a little effect by Israel but the Americans still know that Israel cannot speak to other countries mostly around them so America has to do the talking. It might be playing a good cop bad cop with Israel but it won’t work with most of the countries.


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