This stuff is all so painfully sad.
Contemporary Israel seems to do nothing but incite violence and destruction everywhere it turns.
And it incites the same violence from its American protector and source of endless subsidy.
I do think this all one of the saddest tales of our time.
The men leading Israel learned nothing from the experience of their fathers and grandfathers in Germany except how to be as brutal and vicious as those earlier abusers.
My God, this is the most destructive country on earth when you include what it has induced the United states to do for it too.
Poor, poor Syria, a beautiful land torn apart by mercenary thugs posing as some kind of jihadis. Half a million killed. Beautiful things destroyed.
All paid for, supplied, and supported by America, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Britain, and France. Originally, Turkey too.
But, no, that isn’t enough. There has to be more violence piled on top because it looks like Assad might well survive. And we sure can’t be having any independent-minded leaders in the region who fail to toe the American-Israeli line.
So this. And so Americans and Frenchmen breaking all international law putting forces in the Kurdish region.
They want Syria to resemble what was done in Libya for the same reasons. A decent leader for his people who kept them out of war and gave them education and good water and a whole lot else had to be bombed and shot in the head.
Israel loves to mouth that line about only democracy in the region, but in fact it hates dealing with democracies, whether it was Egypt or Hamas. It loves dictators like el-Sisi and Mubarak and Bloody Prince Salman and the King of Jordan. God, what a fraud.