Is the Spectre of the Lone Gunman A Figment, A Shadow?

By Elizabeth Leafloor |

Too often these days the media has been highlighting cases of violence or assassinations and raising the specter of the lone gunman.

“The lone gunman theory is the nickname given to the controversial conclusion reached by the Warren Commission that U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a single gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald who fired only three shots, one of which being the single bullet that wounded both Kennedy and Governor John Connally. ” Source

Within recent years, especially dire warnings and threats have come from the western security establishments (like Department of Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, MI5) regarding the potential for Lone Gunmen or “Lone Wolf deranged loners to pop up out of nowhere and carry out attacks that no one can predict. These attackers are largely disgruntled, antisocial, political, and/or insane.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano “warned citizens to be vigilant of the lone actor that we may not know about, who may already be in the United States and so it requires us to be vigilant and the public be vigilant. Source

Are these really deranged loners, or are they often a patsy – the visible part of a wider and well hidden conspiracy?

How often are lone gunman really alone in their exploits?

A recent BBC article written by Jon Kelly suggests that, “two hundred years ago, an assassin gunned down Prime Minister Spencer Perceval in the House of Commons. His death ushered in a threat that security services have struggled to deal with ever since”.

While it cannot be denied that sometimes madmen with access to bombs or firearms will alter the course of history and end lives (one can describe some world leaders in this manner, actually), it is also just as likely that men of coinciding interests and of dark intentions will plot for their own ends.

But, Kelly remarks:

The reality of gunmen like Oswald or Robert Kennedys killer Sirhan Sirhan is far less glamorous. It can be hard to believe that these unremarkable people were able to accomplish the assassination of a closely guarded person.

Little wonder then that conspiracy theories about assassinations have been so enduring given the shock waves they have inflicted.

“You can see the attraction of a better explanation than some pathetic character like Oswald having killed the president,” says Sir Adam Roberts, emeritus professor of international relations at Oxford University and president of the British Academy. “Its difficult to accept that history is chaotic.”

Many people discount conspiracy theories surrounding emotionally charged events like presidential assassinations or terrible massacres because they feel theyre not likely.
As if sane men couldnt have it in their hearts to plot to overthrow a government, or kill a leader, or terrorize and slaugther a population.

History, however, can show that not all lone gunman seem to be alone in their activities.

In the article, Jon Kelly lists several instances of lone gunmen attacks:

– [John] “Bellingham was a disgruntled merchant. The death of his victim, Spencer Perceval, on 11 May 1812 in the House of Commons was the only occasion on which a British premier was assassinated”,

– James Earl Ray, for assassinating US civil rights leader Martin Luther King,

– Swedish premier Olof Palme was fatally wounded by gunshots while walking home from a cinema with his wife, and the case remains unsolved,

– John Hinckley attempted to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan in 1981,

– US President John F Kennedy – shot in 1963 during first term in office by Lee Harvey Oswald

If only Kelly would elaborate on these cases, it would be revealed that many of them are not seen as lone gunman to many researchers.

In former premier Olof Palmes case, a gunman could never be found. How can one say it was definitely not a conspiracy when the investigation did not solve the murder nor provide a gunman?

In an article in the German weekly Die Zeit from March 1995, Klaus-Dieter Knapp presented his view of the assassination as a result of a conspiracy among Swedish right-wing extremist police officers. According to this report, the murderer was identified by two witnesses who happened to be at the scene and who knew the murderer from previous encounters.

…a former US army intelligence agent now living in Stockholm, among other bloggers, theorizes that Palme, as the UN mediator seeking an end to the Iran-Iraq war, was assassinated because he fell afoul of Iran-Contra.”


As for alleged MLK assassin James Earl Ray:

Following Rays death, [Dr. William Francis Pepper] represented the King family in a wrongful death lawsuit, “King family vs. Loyd Jowers and other unknown co-conspirators”. During a trial that lasted four weeks, Pepper produced over seventy witnesses.
Jowers, testifying by deposition, stated that James Earl Ray was a scapegoat and not involved in the assassination.
Jowers testified that Memphis police officer Earl Clark fired the fatal shots.
On December 8, 1999, the Memphis jury found Jowers responsible, and also found that the assassination plot included “governmental agencies.”
The jury took less than an hour to find in favor of the King family for the requested sum of $100.


If one looks deeply into the MLK assassination, one can find many hallmarks of a broad conspiracy to remove Martin Luther King from this world. Not unlike John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert Kennedy…

Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan has claimed repeatedly he was manipulated by mind control. A witness who was there the day Robert Kennedy was shot testified to there being at least TWO gunman present at the assassination. Forensic analysis of the audio tapes of the day reveal more shots fired than Sirhan could have in his gun.

The JFK assassination investigation and the notorious Warren Commission were both so questionable that one doesnt have to look very deeply before realizing the lone gunman theory is a silly assumption.

Was George H.W. Bush Involved in Assassination of JFK?

The Deaths of JFK, RFKand the Silence of the Lambs

The Mossad Role in the JFK Assassination

The Ultimate JFK Secret: Who is REALLY Buried In Arlington?

McGovern: JFK Was Assassinated by the CIA, and Obama May Fear the Same

There are some researchers who, when analyzing John Hinckleys assassination attempt on former US President Ronald Reagan, can site suspicious evidence that calls into question a lone gunman verdict on the case.
Reagans would-be assassin was apparently tied to the Bush family:

“Hinckleys father was a financial supporter of George H.W. Bushs 1980 presidential primary campaign, where Bush was Reagans closest rival for the Republican nomination prior to becoming his Vice President. Hinckleys older brother, Scott, had a dinner date scheduled at the home of Neil Bush the day after the Reagan assassination attempt. Neils wife Sharon indicated in a newspaper interview the day after the shooting that Scott was coming to their house as a date of a girlfriend of hers, and that she didnt “know the brother [John]” but understood “that he was the renegade brother in the family.” Sharon described the Hinckleys as “a very nice family” and that they had “given a lot of money to the Bush campaign.”


In the end, while the capacity for individual people to become disgruntled (and insane), hatch a clever and insidious plan, and then carry out the plan exists, its not always the correct assumption. All avenues should be explored, especially ones that take us out of our comfort zone and force us to question what truths we thought we knew about ourselves, and about our leaders.

Our collective history has been shaped by these dark events, but one cannot live in fear of the specter of the lone gunman and his unpredictable nature, when it can be shown that often these game-changing situations are the result of two or more people organizing for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose – a conspiracy.

By Elizabeth Leafloor,

Source Articles:

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Russ Baker – Family of Secrets: “W”

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Peter Dale Scott – Hour 2 – Systemic Destabilization Global Shadow Elites

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H.P. Albarelli Jr. – Project MKULTRA, LSD, CIA, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb Occult Government Studies

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