Is Peppa Pig making toddlers naughty? Parents despair as children copy cartoon by answering back

Katherine Faulkner

Last updated at 12:28 AM on 9th January 2012

Bad influence? Parents are turning against the Peppa Pig character claiming that it is causing their children to misbehave

Bad influence? Parents are turning against the Peppa Pig character claiming that it is causing their children to misbehave

With her cheeky smile – and even cheekier attitude – she has become a hit with children.

But it seems a growing number  of parents are turning against TV character Peppa Pig, claiming she is a ‘bad influence’.

Many complain their sons and daughters have started to copy  the ‘naughty’ behaviour of the cartoon pig and her younger brother, George, by answering back to their parents.

Some have even banned the programme because they claim it has made their children misbehave.

One father spoke of his despair at how his four-year-old son had taken to splashing in what he gleefully called ‘muddy puddles’ on his way to school – copying Peppa’s favourite pastime.

Others reported that their  children had started shouting ‘chocolate cake’ whenever they were asked what they would  like for breakfast – just like George Pig. ‘The more I see, the more alarmed I am at the choice of behaviour put into this “cartoon”,’ one mother wrote on parenting website Mumsnet.

‘George Pig, who my son loves, says “yuck” at vegetables and only wants to eat chocolate cake.

Tantrum: Parents on the Mumsnet site said that many toddlers had started arguing over what foods they liked and saying 'yuck' and 'no'

Tantrum: Parents on the Mumsnet site said that many toddlers had started arguing over what foods they liked and saying ‘yuck’ and ‘no’

‘A day after watching that  episode, my son wouldn’t eat his cucumber and tomatoes.’

In reply, another mother wrote: ‘My daughter keeps saying “no” and “yuk” in a really high and mighty way, just like Peppa does, and generally answering back when I ask her to do something.

‘Shall I ban Peppa Pig, or is that being totally unreasonable?’

Naive: Dr Aric Sigman said that parents should realise that what children watched would affect their behaviour

Naive: Dr Aric Sigman said that parents should realise that what children watched would affect their behaviour

Psychologist Dr Aric Sigman said that parents were being ‘naïve’ if they thought that what children watched would not affect their behaviour.

He said that in recent years there had been a ‘significant increase’ in children using ‘adversarial, snide, questioning, confrontational and disrespectful behaviour’ they had copied from cartoons.

‘There’s nothing special about Peppa Pig – the same applies to all programmes,’ he said.

‘Some 80 per cent of brain development is between birth and three years old, so if they spend a lot of time watching the TV, they will copy forms of behaviours that they see on the TV.’

He added: ‘The problem is you can’t distinguish to children what is real and pretend.

‘You can’t just say to the child the pig was only pretending it was naughty.’

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My 2 year old daughter loves Peppa Pig and imitates it with her dolls and Peppa Pig toys. In fact I have this cartoon to thank for getting my daughter to eat spaghetti and tomatoes. As for jumping in muddy puddles and the father describing this as naughty behavior, did kids not jump in puddles before this programme was aired? And if you don’t want to be forever washing clothes that are stained with puddle water and other such like, maybe you shouldn’t have had children! As other people have quite rightly commented, she’s a cartoon pig, not a babysitter/guardian for your child/children.

Part of being a GOOD parent is to screen everything possible. That includes TV programmes.

Yep, easy solution for bad parenting, blame the substitute nanny every time a kid behaves.

children are naughty anyway if they dont get these ideas fromTV they get it from thier friends. Besides how are children going to learn to be good if they are not naughty in the first place.

Funny that you conveniently forget to mention that PP is broadcast on Channel 5. If it were a BBC programme, you’d have said so in the headline!

There’s an off button, you know. And a plug. As a parent you dictate to the children what they can and cannot watch. Better yet, stop using the TV as a mechnical baby sitter and take your children to the park instead. They’ll learn a lot more and the exercise and fresh air will be good for them.

why is it that there has to be someone or something to blame for behaviour we do not like surely it is normal for children to jump in puddles whether dirty or not also answering parents back is all part of character building i suggest people that condem take a look at themselves all i can say is that they must have short memories

I said the exact thing some time ago.

I stopped mine watching peppa pig a while ago as the character has awful bratish behaviour. I hate that pig!

whilst i agree that Peppa Pig is an annoying little brat…..she is not the one who is meant to be PARENTING so i fail to see how she could have so much influence! my son was obsessed with Peppa Pig (well George mostly lol) sure he’d pick up some of the lines etc…but they wouldn’t work as well as it did in the cartoon lol

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