Tony Orman examines the uncertainties and lack of science around the effect of 1080 on stream ecology and the public’s trout fishery
Putting a spin on the ‘harmlessness’ of 1080
A Federated Farmers and Forest and Bird Fact Sheet on 1080 poison said: “Trials in four West Coast streams using 10 times the number of 1080 baits that would be expected to enter streams during aerial treatment showedno detectable effecton aquatic life in streams.
“In separate studies in the United States and New Zealand, 100% of fish-fed 1080 baitssurvived and showed no ill effects.”
The Fact Sheet continued: “A study in which meat from a possum that had died from 1080 poison was fed to eels found thatall of the eels survived and none became ill. A NIWA study found that koura (native fresh water crayfish) that ate 1080 baitsdid not die and showed no ill effects.”
However, the strangeness…
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