Iran’s Supreme Leader ‘orders Revolutionary Guards’ to guarantee election

According to Iranian opposition sources, Mr Khamenei warned that his
supporters also needed to maintain a constant check on the activities of the
leaders of Iran’s Green Movement, Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Kharroubi,
who unsuccessfully stood against Mr Ahmadinejad in the 2009 presidential

Opposition activists claim Mr Khamenei told his supporters that they needed to
be on their guard against the possibility that pro-democracy forces
unleashed by the recent wave of Arab revolts could spread to Iran. “The
regime is up to all its old tricks and is trying to rig the election,” said
an Iranian activist.

Iran’s parliamentary elections are taking place against a backdrop of mounting
international pressure over Iran’s controversial nuclear programme. Last
week officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna said Iran
had failed to cooperate with a team of nuclear inspectors sent to Tehran to
clear up questions about possible military aspects of its nuclear programme.

Mr Khamenei and his advisors believe this week’s parliamentary elections will
provide the regime with greater legitimacy in its stand-off with the West
over its nuclear programme, and for that reason they are anxious to ensure
that there is both a high turn out for the elections and a comprehensive
factory for the Conservative Front.

The Council of Guards, the body controlled by Mr Khamenei which is responsible
for safe-guarding the principles of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, has already
vetted the names of all those putting themselves forward for election to
ensure that only regime loyalists are approved.

The Revolutionary Guards and Basij have now been tasked with making sure that
Iranians only vote for those candidates who support Mr Khamenei, and not Mr

But with the regime firmly controlling all aspects of the election campaign
there are fears that many Iranians will simply boycott the election as a way
of registering a protest vote. This includes the millions of Iranians who
supporter Iran’s Green Movement, which has been brutally suppressed since
the disputed 2009 election, with many of the movement’s leaders either being
killed or imprisoned.


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