Iran threatens pre-emptive action against Israel

In a sign of a growing rift with Washington, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli
prime minister, and Ehud Barak, his defence minister, have told US officials
that pleas for restraint are “playing into Iran’s hands”,
according to Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.

Hawks within the Israeli
administration are believed to have concluded that Iran will soon reach a “framework
of immunity” by moving the bulk of its nuclear production into
underground facilities beyond the scope of Israel’s bombers.

Iran has long relied on the threat of unleashing Hizbollah and Hamas as a
deterrent against Israeli air strikes. Iran’s hold over Hamas, however, has
weakened in recent months with the Palestinian movement seeking to move
closer to Egypt in the wake of the Arab Spring.

The Hamas leadership, which was based in Damascus until last year, shrugged
off an Iranian decision to cut off funding to punish the group for
condemning President Bashar al-Assad, a close ally of Tehran, for his
treatment of Syrian demonstrators.

Iran has combined a mixture of belligerent grandstanding and military
manoeuvres in recent weeks with a stated willingness to resume negotiations
with world powers over its nuclear programme.

But as UN weapons experts ended a two-day visit to Iran, officials in Tehran
insisted that the regime’s pursuit of a “peaceful” nuclear
programme remained non-negotiable.

The experts were reportedly denied access to a key military installation
believed to house nuclear testing equipment.

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