An Idaho pastor held captive for three years in an Iranian prison is facing a new round of torture and beatings and his wife is pleading to the leaders of the United States and other nations to demand the release of her husband.
35-year old Saeed Abedini is being held at Rajaei Shahr prison west of Tehran. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison. He was convicted in 2013 of establishing Christian house churches in Iran.
Obama and Kerry could have and SHOULD have demanded his immediate release while negotiating the disastrous nuke deal with Iran but they didn’t. Instead, Abedini has continued to be tortured and beaten.
The pastor was pulled into an interrogation session just days ago where these bastards repeatedly Tasered him according to the family’s attorneys at the American Center for Law and Justice. His health is reportedly deteriorating rapidly and getting tortured isn’t helping matters.
Bridget Johnson at PJ Media reports:
“This new assault is concerning as Pastor Saeed is still being denied needed medical care for injuries sustained as a result of beatings in the past,” the ACLJ said. “The interrogators threatened that Pastor Saeed will face new criminal charges. They claimed Pastor Saeed has connections with anti-government groups and has made statements and taken actions against the government of Iran. Pastor Saeed denied all of these allegations, and once again asserted that he is apolitical and that he has never threatened the security of, made any statements against, or taken any action against the Government of Iran.”
“When will this nightmare end? Saeed is not a criminal,” she said in a statement released by the ACLJ. “Being a Christian and motivated by Christian values to help the poorest and most needy children in Iran should be seen as good for the Iranian society. Hearing that yet again the hardliners in Iran are trying to fabricate evidence against my husband and that he was abused and tasered is almost too much to bear.”
“It is time for governments all over the world shift their focus to the injustices of the Iranian Government and call on the Government of Iran to free my husband. It is time for businesses seeking to do business in Iran to look beyond their bottom dollar and see the instability of a government known to imprison innocent men and women who have exercised their fundamental freedoms,” she said.
Conservative Tribune adds:
“Whether we operate in the field of business, government, or simply are members of human society, we must expect and demand more of our leaders,” she also said, in what appeared to be a swipe — and a well-served one — at Obama.
We can only hope and pray that Barack Obama wakes up and does whatever is necessary to see that this American pastor is released. But, unfortunately, Abedini may have to wait until we elect a president with backbone.
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