‘Iran charged with anti-Israel attacks’

Press TV has conducted an interview with Stephen Lendman, author and radio host, to share his opinion on this issue.

The following is a transcript of the interview:

Press TV: Stephen Lendman, looking at what was discussed first of all in terms of Iran, tell us your thoughts? It seemed at least from Catherine Ashton that she was somewhat optimistic at the fact that she received a letter was the first thing that came out of her mouth when she came onto the podium and of course how you viewed that in terms of what the future is going to hold of talks between the P5+1 and Iran?

Lendman: Well I place a lot more stock in what is going on. We see the tensions being ratcheted up against Syria and Iran. Iran was falsely charged with these attacks in India, in Georgia, in Bangkok and Thailand.

I wrote an article about it that charging Iran with this is absolutely preposterous, but it is part of the ratcheting up game that keeps going on and of course we see what just happened with Syria. The General Assembly passed, I think most people do not realize this was the second resolution the General Assembly passed.

I wrote an article this morning that I will get out tomorrow. I titled my article “Wrong-headed UN vote on Syria” indeed so. Illegitimately interfering in the internal affairs of another country. It was a one sided resolution. It basically blamed Assad for what is going on. Assad is the victim, he is not the villain.

Externally generated insurgents are causing all these problems, but they’re not mentioned in the resolution, just a weak statement about everybody involved in violent should cut it out, something to that effect.

But the resolution incredibly, imagine this, the resolution actually violates the UN charter. How could the General Assembly pass a resolution that violates its own charter? How can the Arab League by the way propose a resolution like this because their charter pledges non-intervention. Talk about hypocrisy.

Press TV: Well I think the ambassador of Syria also mentioned that but let’s continue with Syria… it is not new news in terms of how the opposition is being armed. How can really this not be discussed? How can it not be a factor in terms of what is happening on the ground? And also the fact that Assad is putting its efforts out to revise the constitution, having elections. Why doesn’t any of this get highlighted?

Lendman: Because it is a one sided campaign going on. I follow the US media, I do critiques. My favorite target is the New York Times because what the New York Time’s reports gets picked up not only across America, but globally and the New York Times is conducting a campaign.

They do not say let’s go to war with Syria and Iran, but their commentaries, their articles, their editorials, their op-eds; they are so chilling because they just barely stop short of saying bombs away, let’s attack these countries.

They are committing crimes and all these charges whether it is about Iran’s nuclear program where there is not a shred of evidence about developing nuclear weapons; the earlier alleged attack on the Saudi Arabia (envoy)… ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous – did not pass the smell test. And the so-called attacks in the three countries I just reported. Those are ludicrous as well. They do not pass the smell test.

They have Mossad’s fingerprints all over them, I have no doubt in the world. And Mossad is expert I put this in my article… If Mossad wants to kill someone they will kill them and if they want to make it look like it was an attempt on somebody’s life but stop short, they are very expert on that.

Notice in these three attacks, nobody died. All three? Professional assassins do not miss.

Also, we are talking about countries like India especially India and Iran have good relations. India is buying Iranian oil, it will continue buying Iranian oil. Why on earth would Iran want to offend India? Well of course the answer is a resounding, “no way they want to do that”.

And in Georgia, I mean why would Iran want to get involved in any kind of terrorist attacks in faraway countries? It simply makes no sense at all, but the US media just headlines it and repeats it over and over again.

I mean they are vicious in their attacks that they have no facts and they spew lies and misinformation and they are just beating the drums to do something about Iran and Syria and this concerns me greatly; they do not speak out about it but I should do all the time.


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