(Natural News)
The authoritarian Left is alive and well and continuing to push vaccine madness on every single man, woman and child, even to the point of murdering anyone who dares to disagree with the globalist orthodoxy.
A recent editorial in the Boston Herald, usually the Democrat-controlled city’s lone voice of constitutionalism, liberty and freedom, was scathing in its treatment of responsible parents who have every right to be concerned about their children becoming vaccine injured, whether by adverse reaction or through the injection of mercury-laced ingredients.
Referring to such parents as “anti-vaxxers,” the editorial actually relies on a story from the Washington Post, which of course toes the globalist line on everything including medical treatments. The Post piece talks about a measles outbreak in the Somali community in Minnesota, in which a handful of kids contracted the disease, ostensibly because they were not vaccinated.
“Skepticism about vaccines within Minnesota’s Somali community goes back a decade, the Post reported, after parents raised concerns about possible higher rates of autism among their children (research later indicated that wasn’t the case),” the editorial said.
Stop. First of all, despite the “mainstream” media’s repeated dishonest attempts to discredit the research proving a link between vaccines and higher autism rates is a disservice in and of itself, so let’s just get that out of the way.
Moving on, the editorial then directly calls for advocates of truth about vaccines to be killed:
These are the facts: Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.
Just. Wow.
As noted by Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News, the hue and cry — and call for violence — is not warranted. Not by a long shot.
Using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s own statistics, she noted that in a nation of more than 310 million people, a paltry 61 people have gotten measles between January and April in the U.S. That is down substantially from a high of 667 cases in 2014, the peak number of cases since measles was considered eradicated in the U.S. in 2000.
Uh, but no one died from any of those cases. No one.
Can people die from measles? Yes, but not in the United States, apparently. So why the call to violence? Has the editorial board of the Boston Herald unilaterally decided that in America, there should be no more debate, no more discussion and no more questioning of globalist orthodoxy when it comes to vaccines, autism and mercury?
Are we just supposed to ignore the dramatically increasing number of autism cases that even the pathetic mainstream media acknowledges? How about the billions in vaccine injury settlements the federal government, via its special vaccine injury fund, pays out annually?
Most scientists and astronomers once upon a time believed the earth was a flat disk, not round and three-dimensional. They believed it until someone was able to prove it wasn’t flat, and others were able to verify/replicate the research.
At one time no one knew how to treat infections — until research gave us the solution (antibiotics — and now they’re being abused).
Before we began injecting people with vaccines, the “standard treatment” was to self-immunize by actually getting the disease and allowing your own body to manufacture antibodies. Now, however, we’ve been told that we can’t do that anymore because it’s too risky. (Related: Read Australian Parents Who Don’t Vaccinate Their Children Will Be Fined $14 Per Week By The Authoritarian Regime.)
As for the autism-vaccine connection, one scientist found such a link, but then — given the gravity of his findings — he was ruined by the medical and scientific communities because of the legal implications and ramifications associated with his findings. Shouldn’t there be more research on this connection, not less?
The point is, shouting someone down who doesn’t share your point of view while calling for their execution is akin to depriving someone of life and liberty without the “due process” of discovery.
Furthermore, I’m betting that shills who penned the Boston Herald’s editorial lack advanced degrees in the medicinal sciences, meaning their opinion is emotions-based, not research-based.
Read more at Immunizations.news and CensoredScience.com.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Sources include:
Source Article from http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-06-07-insane-vaccine-zealots-now-calling-for-vaccine-skeptics-to-be-put-to-death-so-that-resistance-to-mercury-in-vaccines-can-be-eliminated.html
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