Infuriating Video of Drunken Cop, Illustrates Just How Crooked the Thin Blue Line has Become

Jersey City, NJ — Sgt. Vincent Corso, a Jersey City cop, was out for a drunken and reckless drive on January 30, 2014, when he was stopped by a Robbinsville police officer.

At the beginning of the stop, Corso tried to claim that he was “on the job,” and that he should be let go.

“Are we OK here?” Corso asks.

“Yeah, just sit in your car,” Robinson Police Officer Shawn Bruton says.

When Officer Barbara Borges arrives, the situation then escalated.

“Do we have a problem?” Corso asks her.

“Yeah, we do have a problem,” she says. “You’re intoxicated and you’re driving a motor vehicle.”

A minute later, off camera, a physical altercation can be heard.

Corso gets out of his car multiple times and walks towards the officers. Amazingly enough, this large man, who was armed, walking towards them and engaging in a struggle, did not cause the officers to fear for their lives and kill him.

He committed several crimes, some that would have gotten the average person killed, including resisting arrest and assault on a police officer. Not only does Corso physically resist, but he was armed while doing so.

According to,

The incident is documented in a dramatic video and multiple police reports obtained via a public-records request. The video, taken from the dashboard of one a Robbinsville police officer, shows one officer telling Sgt. Vincent Corso, the Jersey City cop, that he is too “f***** up” to drive, while just off camera there is an apparent struggle after the officers tell Corso they plan to confiscate his gun.

Corso was drunk, belligerent, endangering the lives of all those on the road and armed. However, because of his badge he was given an absurd amount of leeway and special treatment.

Despite being involved in an armed altercation with police officers, this man escaped the situation unscathed. Corso was released without charges into the custody of the Jersey City police department, and he remains on the job.

A subsequent mudslinging and finger-pointing match has erupted as a result of this cover-up. According to,

Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office spokeswoman Casey A. DeBlasio said the incident did not warrant a criminal investigation into the conduct of the Robbinsville officers.

Robbinsville Mayor Dave Fried defended his officers’ actions. Jersey City police told them Corso was on duty at the time of the traffic stop, according to Fried, so Robbinsville officers decided the best course of action would be to allow Jersey City cops to take him into their custody.

“Why he wasn’t disciplined or charged by Jersey City police,” he said, “I can’t answer that question.”

Corso is no stranger to controversy. In 2000, he shot and killed an unarmed 15-year-old boy, Michael Anglin. After the grand jury failed to indict him, buying his story that his gun accidently went off, the taxpayers shelled out $2.4 million.

In the video below, take note of all the actions taken by Corso that would have gotten the average person shot. Is this justice?


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