Indian girl, 7, murdered and has liver cut out in sacrifice to the gods for a better harvest

  • Child was kidnapped as she walked home after watching TV at a neighbour’s house
  • Two farmers admit they carried out gruesome act to appease gods, say police

David Richards

Last updated at 1:57 PM on 2nd January 2012

Human sacrifice has been practised in cultures across the world. Here, an Aztec priest is depicted carrying out the act in ancient Mexico

The two farmers arrested have told police they killed the girl to appease their gods. The grisly practice has existed in countries across the world. Here, an Aztec is depicted carrying out the act in ancient Mexico

A girl of seven in India was murdered and had her liver cut in a ritual sacrifice to ensure a better harvest.

Two men, both poor farmers, have now been arrested in central India for allegedly carrying out the killing, police said today.

Lalita Tati disappeared in October and her dismembered remains were found a week later, said Rajendra Narayan Das, a senior police officer in the Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh state.

The state is the tenth largest in the country and beliefs in traditional healers runs deep.

Police arrested the men last week and they told officers they killed the girl to appease their gods and get a better harvest.

Tati was walking home after watching TV at a neighbour’s house when she was kidnapped, Das said.

The two men confessed to cutting her open and removing her liver as an offering.

Das said the police had gathered enough evidence, apart from the confessions, to charge the two with murder.

They would face life in prison or even the death sentence if convicted.

The men were described as ‘tribals’, a term referring to the region’s indigenous people, most of whom remain mired in poverty and illiteracy.

Waterfall in the sunlight, Bastar, Chhattisgarh, India, Asia

A waterfall in the central Indian state where the attack occurred. Chhattisgarh is the tenth largest in the country and beliefs in traditional healers run deep.


The extent of human sacrifice and when it first emerged in India has always been fiercely debated.

Some claim first evidence of the grisly rituals emerged in 3000BC after a seal from the era was found showing a man holding a sickle over a woman seated on the ground.

While extremely rare in the 21st century such incidents still occur in areas where traditional healers and witch doctors have a hold over remote and impoverished areas.

In December of last year seven people were imprisoned in the state of Maharashtra for the human sacrifice of two children aged seven and three. While two years ago in West Bengal the head and torso of a man was found in a temple to the goddess Kali.                    Source: Wikipedia/IANS

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Dark ages or what!! this is something you would expect to read from the old scriptures……..How discussing. Religion has got a lot to answer too…?

Dark ages or what………..this is something you would from the old s

having lived in India for a while, nothing about that country would ever surprise me – children are most certainly badly treated – child beating is common amongst the middle classes and many managers who worked with me admitted to this. Teachers in govt schools regularly trash pupils and in the depths of rural India, this poor child has had no chance against the beliefs of men worshipping their millions of gods. Indian middle classes do nothing to help the situation – they run around Mumbai in their beautiful sequinned saris with no thought for the seven year olds from the countryside who have hand sewn sequin after sequin for 16 hours a day – they often go blind. My driver, intelligent in so many ways, believed in the magic of his gods – he also beat his staff and his children if they didn’t achieve good exam results. It’s not up to us to judge other nations’ values but I make no apology for saying that it’s time they treated their children with the respect they deserve.

What sort of religion tells them to do things like that. What evil people who worship someone who asks them to kill. When they think so lowly about females, it is a frightening thought that we have many in our country.

What sort of gods would require you to kill an innocent seven year old girl? These men are just murderers.
– SUSIJEN, North West England, 02/1/2012—yes and the priests are abusers and the honour killers are murderers and the suicide bombers are just murderers and so on – its like religion was all made up by men in the first place?

I am sorry for the poor girl. However, to see these people simply as ‘bad and evil’ betrays the deeper aspects belying the issue. The equal tragedy is that there were two primitive men (amongst many millions on this planet) who hold such primitive and misguided beliefs in the 21st Century. That is frightening.

They shud sacrifice themselves

People need to respect other people’s culture what is barbaric here is normal to others

Ruddy Nightmare, and people wonder why the Victorians got a bit draconian while living in such places.

I feel quite sick after reading this. What kind of men kills a child as an offering for a good harvest? I hope they have enough years in prison to reflect on their actions. RIP little girl.

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