Bipartisan congressional hardliners continue opposing last year’s nuclear deal. House Speaker Paul Ryan said “(a) bipartisan majority in the House voted to reject this deal in the first place, and we will continue to do everything possible to prevent a nuclear Iran.”
He along with numerous other Republican and Democrat congressional members strongly oppose lifting international sanctions.
Republican presidential aspirants railed against changing longstanding policy. Senator Marco Rubio said he’ll “cancel this ridiculous (nuclear) deal with Iran” straightaway in office if elected. “As president, I’ll reimpose sanctions…on day one.”
Jeb Bush accused Tehran of “remain(ing) a major (regional) destabilizing force…working against American interests.”
“Nothing in the (nuclear deal) justif(ies) lifting US and international sanctions…I cannot stand behind a flawed agreement.” He called for imposing new sanctions.
Donald Trump criticized unfreezing Iranian assets, saying withholding them was meant to prevent nuclear weapons development.
Earlier, Ben Carson called the nuclear deal a “recipe for disaster.” Hillary Clinton should scare everyone – arguably the most dangerous of all US presidential aspirants, a reckless war goddess.
Earlier, she said “(i)f I’m president, we will attack Iran.” She outrageously considers the Islamic Republic an “existential threat to Israel,” calling it the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, wanting steps taken to contain its nonexistent “aggressiveness.”
She lied, claiming Tehran “still violat(es) UN Security Council resolutions with its ballistic missile program, which should be met with new sanctions designations and firm resolve.”
If elected president, her policy will be “distrust and verify.” As Secretary of State, she approved large weapons deals for Middle East rogue states, notorious for horrific human rights abuses.
At the time, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Algeria, the UAE and Oman donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
Washington remains implacably hostile to Iran. Bipartisan bashing continues unabated.
New efforts to isolate the Islamic Republic may subvert what’s been accomplished – especially with a Republican hardliner or Clinton as president.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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