From The Health Forum NZ fb page
In 1976 the world was in the grip of pandemic terror….with the SWINE FLU. A rapidly developed and released V was seen to be humanity’s great saviour. In America THREE PEOPLE died after the V….And the powers that be halted the V program, as a safety precaution.
Now…fast forward to 2021 and there are over 4,000 CV V related deaths in the USA adverse events data base. Remembering that only a small percentage of all injury and death is actually reported to this system (somewhere between 1 and 5%).
Has the V roll out been paused? No….it hurtles on like a runaway freight train, while Americans (and New Zealanders) are placated and reassured daily of the V’s SAFETY AND EFFICACY.
Wake up, wake up, wake up…/swine-flu-prograrm-is-halted…
Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay
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