I hate to witness how elderly people around me, who have contributed all their lives to their society, are now having to struggle just to survive.
I hate to see my culture gradually disintegrate around me, due to the artificial mass immigration.
I hate to observe how the youth have been systematically polluted and any hope they would have of a prosperous future stripped from them.
I hate to see how the government, through their jew-owned media constantly lies to us and tries to subvert our societies.
I hate to hear about how white European women are being systematically raped by mongrel, sub-human immigrants.
I hate to learn how innocent people all around the world are suffering under this judaic beast.
I hate to see how free speech is being curbed day-by-day by jewish interests who want to destroy the Truth.
I hate to discover how our natural world is being deliberately destroyed by these monsters who claim dominion over us.
I hate to scroll through the internet to see the doom n gloom international news – how things out there are falling apart on a weekly basis.
I hate to see how those around me have been put into a trance-like state; and passively accept this destruction as just the way things are.
I hate to see how we, a ‘civilised’ society are content with the levels of cruelty to animals; and actively participate in this cruelty through selfish lifestyle choices.
I hate to see how those who get involved in good-causes and activism have been duped by the forces whom they think they are fighting.
I hate to acknowledge that I too have fallen for so many traps from these deceivers throughout my life.
I hate to think of what our ancestors would make of this corrupt, polluted and insane world.
And I particularly hate the way those who catch onto trendy buzzwords such as hater, cannot recognise how ridiculous they sound.
Source Article from http://renegadetribune.com/im-a-hater/
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