‘IAEA report not reflecting full picture’

Ali Asghar Soltanieh also described the recent allegations of nuclear activity at a military site in the capital Tehran as “ridiculous”.

To further shed light on the issue, Press TV talks with the Iranian envoy. What follows is a rough transcription of the interview:

Press TV: In your speech earlier today at the IAEA, you were critical of Agency’s report on the Iran-IAEA engagement and IAEA’s two visits to Tehran. What was wrong with the repot?

Soltanieh: To be very brief, it was not a balanced report; it was not reflecting the full picture. That is why I decided, in a press release, to report exactly every development in Tehran two-round of negotiation and also intersession on meeting that we had in Vienna between the two to show the fact that while we were discussing in Vienna before the second round of discussion we had the list of agreements which was not respected by the team because of the Director General in fact totally ignored it and they instructed the team to go to Parchin which was not in the agenda because this team was not inspectors’ team; it was high level teams from legal and political department and technical department to negotiate on text.

That is why we were disappointed; that is why I informed the board members of the IAEA and all member states that the factual situation was different from what it was reflected in DG[Director General] report.

And also of course I warned all member-states and the secretariat to exercise maximum vigilance to protect this new process which is as a result of historical concession by Iran that we have decided now to deal with the issue of allegations about possible military dimension.

Therefore, having said so, I said, provided that we will not be facing further polarization of this matter and provided that the secretariat will do its job in a professional manner without any interference by some few member states such as the United States, we are ready to continue our engagement.

Press TV: And regarding Parchin, is there a finalization of a modality on that even though Parchin has been, as I am sure you are well aware, visited twice by the agency back in 2005 in order for them if they want to have a visit?

Soltanieh: Well, it is also another one of those issues that it was politicized. In fact, Parchin was one of roughly about 5 or 6 main items that we were going to discuss after the modality was agreed upon.

Therefore, as I said, these sorts of exaggerations and bringing this matter as an issue and making fuss of it is something that we have been disappointed and shows that either the mistake because of non professional activities of the secretariat and DG[Director General] or some sort of political intervention in order to destroy this conducive environment.

However, I just want to say that we have said it again and again; we did not rule out the access but provided that we will negotiate and talk about terms of reference conditions and therefore, let’s concentrate on the work. From now on, we have to concentrate on the work of finalizing negotiation on the modality and the approach and of course after that, we will take into consideration if there is any request by the agency.

The other issue that we were discussing today in the Board of Governors and I raised it in fact as a matter of serious concern was the threat of attack by the Zionist regime of Israel against nuclear installation. I mentioned and recalled the resolution 533 of 1990 in the general conference of the IAEA.

It is very important that your distinguished viewers will understand in fact what is all about this resolution and they can in fact refer to the website of the IAEA. This resolution in fact was proposed by Iran in 1990 and I myself was involved and it was adopted. The resolution says that any attack against nuclear installations during operation or during constellation as well as threat of attack is violation of United Nation charter, IAEA statute and International Law and United Nations Security Council has to immediately act upon it.

Therefore, this is the matter of serious concern that we are facing; shameful silence by the United Nations Security Council and also the Board of Governors of the IAEA because this is a clear violation by the Zionist regime on this resolution 533 which is continuously threatening of attack against nuclear installation which of course we all know that nuclear installations being attacked as it was also in that resolution will have radiological consequences which goes beyond the borders and therefore this is a matter of serious concern for all international community.

Press TV: When you talk about these threats Israel has made, of course they have made it in the past; maybe there needs to be distinction made between the fact that they have been more vocal about attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities and installations recently, has there been any proactive violations sided to Israel on this matter?

Soltanieh: As I said, Israel has of course the dark points in the history of violation and aggression. As you well remember, Israelis attacked Iraqi reactor and therefore in 1982, in fact the general conference of IAEA passed a resolution and according to articles 19 of the statute deprived the Israelis from privilege and right on membership for about 10 years and I was participating in that conference in 1982, when Americans even threatened that if there were any resolutions against Israel, the US would withdraw from the IAEA, which was proven to be a bluff and the Americans did not leave but fortunately that resolution was adopted.

We have noticed that also in 2007, Israel’s attack against Syria under the false pretext of a site which it is a nuclear reactor, and this is shameful that Western countries rather than condemning the aggressor attacking a sovereign member state, have passed a resolution and the Board of Governors send this issue of Syria to the Security Council of the United Nations.

We are facing an unfortunate, unjust situation with the IAEA, but I’m very proud and pleased that members of the IAEA are united and more than before aware of the fact that the Americans and a couple of Western countries are trying to turn and change the IAEA to a UN watchdog and to have a sort of intervention and change the statutory mandate of the IAEA, and that us why the segment by the Non-Aligned Movement today, read out by the distinguished ambassador of Egypt to support Iran was another golden page for Iran’s nuclear activities, and in fact the Non-Aligned Movement, being committed to the principles, and therefore, we are watching out and showing vigilance as a member state that those countries will not intervene in the IAEA.

This is a real challenge, but we have been so far successful in not letting them be successful. What happened in fact during Iran’s issue during the Board of Governors, was another failure of American diplomacy that they wanted to have another resolution for Iran, but because of our active cooperation with the IAEA and active diplomacy, they were not able to fulfill what they were trying to do for the past two months, working the capitals and lobbying in Vienna, they were not able to do it. Therefore I want to say that all member-states, particularly in the Non-Aligned Movement and Iran are working closely to mature that expectation of international community will be fulfilled and I hope that the secretariat has received the message today in the Board of Governors, to perform more impartially and professionally.

Press TV And finally, if we can just touch briefly on this and that’s about the US-led sanction on Iran. You made an interesting statement that you can’t sanction Iran’s centrifuges. Do you think that these sanctions or any future ones will eventually, as they hope force Iran to somehow scrap its nuclear [energy] program?

Soltanieh Well, being involved in both the diplomacy and also myself with the background of working in the atomic energy organization, I am proud to say that our nuclear scientists have been able to ingeniously produce every single 90 pieces of centrifuges.

Therefore, as I said today in my statement, in fact the sanctions are targeting the people rather than targeting the centrifuge machines and therefore neither sanction or cyber attacks, or attacks against nuclear scientists or a threat of attack against nuclear installations have any affects on our nuclear activities for peaceful purposes will continue without any interruptions, the only thing is that by this kind of sanctions, they further complicate the situation.

I said in my statement today, this is the time that those few countries, particularly the US will tell the truth to their people, the taxpayer, that they have not reflected the truth to their people.

Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons as I quoted in my statement what the Supreme Leader [Seyyed Ali Khamenei] recently mentioned that we are not pursuing nuclear weapons. Therefore those countries, the decision-makers have not told the truth to their people. This is the time to tell. As you noticed in the last ten years, it continues to say that Iran will test a nuclear bomb in a matter of two months but it is proved that this is not the case. It is not the case that Iran is not withdrawing from NPT in spite of the sanctions and political pressures because we are committed as a responsible country to an international obligation, at the same time we will not yield to pressure. And therefore the message is very clear. We will continue our nuclear activities particularly enrichment without any interruption. We will never ever suspend our activities, at the same time, we will continue to work with the IAEA and cooperate with the IAEA. Regarding the talks about the studies or possible military dimension allegation, I announced today and I will announce right now that we will continue the engagement with the IAEA to resolve the issues and prove to the whole world that our nuclear activities are exclusively for peaceful purposes.


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