I was Scammed But Aren’t We All?


April 22, 2012

Fritz2.jpgAnd that got me to thinking, WHO hasn’t
been deceived by the Illuminati, the Powers that Be at some time or

Springmeier believes bride scams are tied to Western intelligence services and the Illuminati

by Fritz Springmeier

I have now had some time to reflect upon how I was scammed as well as observing the reactions of those who read my article about the scam.  We are all interpreting situations. That is what humans love to do. We try to figure out what is happening. We are always asking questions like WHY?

Fritz's fiancee.jpgI was responding to someone who had daily communicated with me that she loved me (in fact, the transcripts of just our chatting stretches 2,400 pages not to mention telephone conversations and mail) with my interpretation of what was going on and I was terribly mistaken.

In turn I read the responses to my article, and I noticed how again part of being human is to make interpretations about things. Again, nobody came close to interpreting what had happened correctly.

People understood me no better than I understood my fiancée. For instance, some thought I was out to get an Asian woman because I am incapable of forming a relationship with American women and wanted a doormat to boss around.

How silly. And all this made me realize how important it is that we don’t jump to conclusions but that we find an accurate framework to create a valid interpretation so that we can respond to life correctly.

And how do we find an accurate framework? We are told that the quality of love for our fellow man is an indicator of how we love God.  Do we show favoritism?  Do we avoid the truth?  Do we gossip about others?  Are we able to come along side others and help them? What agendas and soul ties shape our perceptions? Who built our frames of references and our world-views?

And then I began to see that my situation with my fiancee in many ways mirrored the struggles that people face in interpreting the kind of articles that Henry Makow posts about the Illuminati and “Saving the Males.”

If the interpretations of the article I posted were so far off the mark, just how do we gain the wisdom to correctly interpret events around us??

I noticed that in terms of myself, I certainly met some of the various criteria of a fool described throughout the Book of Proverbs: I was right in my own eyes and I wasted money.

But in many other ways I don’t fit the various criteria. For instance, I haven’t been angry, raging, and hotheaded.

Still my own biological sister called me a “fool”. But the website that exposes the scams warns people that these scams are so slick everyone is vulnerable and that people should not look down on those who have told their stories of how they were deceived, because it could happen to anyone.


Thanks to my article, I was informed by an honest Filipina, that women in the Philippines volunteer to work for crime companies that write the scripts for their scams and guide these women.

That makes a great deal of sense considering what I experienced. One reason I trusted is that I couldn’t picture one person having the audacity, the moxey and skill to carry out a scam on the level that hit me.

An individual doing it would have tensed up somewhere in the process. The women are in a sense pimped out in these scams and make for themselves little of what is sent to them.

These companies are suspected of being part of an international network of black ops by western intelligence agencies. Interesting, so the entire thing circles back to our country!

Wow. And this illustrates to me the importance of websites like Henry’s, where vital information is disseminated to help us cut through the deceptions so we can respond to life correctly!

Also as a postscript, thanks to the article Henry posted, I got information on how my lady was also scamming other men!! which helped me to follow up with the Internet Crime unit.

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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