I Should Have Awoken Ages Ago

Part one of a multipart series, exploring what I remember leading to my conclusion it was indeed the Ashkenazi, Khazar Jew behind the destruction of America and the White race. The series will be archived under a brand new INCOG MAN category called “Waking Up” (see my topic “cloud” over on the left). Actually, this whole site of mine is dedicated to alerting the White race. I sincerely hope others coming here don’t take as long as I did.

I REMEMBER THIS one ridiculously inane TV sitcom when I was kid called “Happy Days.” Even back then I thought the show was stupid. One of the characters was named ”Fonzie,” supposedly so cool, the tough guy in the cast, but I couldn’t see it. Sure, he wore a leather jacket — like big whoop. I thought I was a tough little SOB kid and just knew I could kick Fonzie’s ass fairly easily.

But it wasn’t till much later I found out Fonzie was nothing more than a punky Jew boy. Now the creep sells reverse mortgages to elderly FOX news viewers (targeted demographics for shearing the sheep). I recently saw one of his latest commercials and he looks just like a weaselly money pimp with shifty eyes, ever so typical for this world renowned scam artist race.

Haven’t you wondered why the BS in America just keeps getting worse and worse? There’s been many points in my life when the answer stared me smack cold dab in the face. Yet, even the INCOG MAN could not fully believe what his own two eyes and ears told him for quite some time. Please read on.

As I said before here on my lowly site, the final nail in the coffin for me occurred when I found out the details to the brutal 2007 torture murder of the beautiful young White couple, Channon Christian and her boyfriend, Christopher Newsom. When the national media blatantly ignored this gruesome crime, I was outraged beyond belief. But this was only a single event that made me speak out openly to people around me. I had already settled the “Jew Question” in my mind about 10 years previously.*

Many folks today have little idea about “the Jew Question,” even though, I assure you, it’s been going for a very long time. It’s just that people have been literally been brainwashed not consider the matter, for fear of getting called a Nazi; even though the troubles you see happening to our countries today, happened elsewhere in history but just in various guises.

Nowadays, the PC business and Immigration can now be understood as the modern strategy of International Jewry, aided by subversive little Jews, idiot White liberals and fooled Christian Zionists, to weaken the White race in advance of their globalist ambitions, what people call ”the New World Order” or NWO for short.

I remember reading this book years ago about the fall of Berlin to the soviet commies back in 1945. There was this one all French unit fighting for the Germans against the red hordes. And they fought extremely well, too. In fact, they were probably the last to die. Now why would Frenchmen fight so hard for the Germans, I asked myself? And it wasn’t just French, either. Italians, Norwegians, Danes, the Spanish, many other countries in Europe had men fighting FOR, not against Germany.

Why would such men do this? There had to be a reason why such men fought to the death, I told myself. Something much more than what I was led to believe. Oh, I knew all about the SS and Jew haters, etc. Or at least I thought I did.

Around this time I had a couple of weird things happen.

While in college, my best friend and apartment roommate for my sophomore year was this Jewish guy (yep). He wasn’t the kind of guy you might have guessed was Jewish, unless you knew his name. He had red hair tied back in a pony tail, wore a Levi jacket, played the banjo of all things, and loved bluegrass music. Thinking back, it seems the guy must have been distancing himself from Jewry in outward appearance.

Red-haired Jew? At that time, I had no idea Jews could have red hair. I stupidly thought it was mostly an Irish dealy. It was only much later I read somewhere that the medieval Germans once had an ancient saying the end times would draw near when the red headed Jews came from the east — precisely where Ashkenazi, Khazar Jews originated from.

It was also at this point at the college where I had an encounter with another fellow student who I have now come to suspect was somehow related to the Zionist power nexus behind the anti-Nazi, “Black propaganda,” forgery called the Stroop report (go HERE for my full story).

This particular student had visited my first year dorm room with a big brown paper bag of photographic prints, supposedly ”outtakes” of real stuff used at the Nuremberg trials. Closer examination made me fully believe they were original prints – not copies made from offset printing, but from actual film negatives. Yet the condition was such that the prints appeared only fairly recently developed (I was once really into old style analog photography and “trick” darkroom techniques). A couple of the image subjects I clearly remembered, but only understood much, much later could never have been done in such a way unless something else was going on.

Anyway, my red-headed Jewish hippy friend and I loved underground comics. R. Crumb, S. Clay Wilson, Zap comics, Furry Freak Brothers (which I never really liked too much), that kind of thing. We used to have this little running joke between us, that secret nerds in white coats and pocket protectors were really in control of the US at a secret nerd headquarters underground somewhere. I don’t remember the exact cartoon that started the whole thing. Probably Crumb.

It was sort of like what they said soviet premier Nikita Kruschev believed. Supposedly, he thought the US had an underground headquarters in the Midwest, secretly in control of America. I don’t know if it’s true he really believed that, since then, I’ve read he was a tricky character to begin with, resorting to a phony peasant stupidity in order to survive the Jewish gang war purges of the ’30′s.

One day my red-haired Jewish college friend asked me if I really thought there could be a secret operation running the US. I laughed it off at first, but soon realized he was quite serious. He kept pressing me hard for some reason. I didn’t know what he was getting at. For some reason I could not fathom at the time, he grew increasingly frustrated at me.

Actually, from that point on, the two of us were never really friends again. I couldn’t figure out what happened. A few years later, it dawned on me that he may have been trying to probe me for signs of anti-Semitism. When he could find none, he lost all respect and chalked me up to being just another dumbass Goy.

Of course, I’m only speculating on that. I did know the guy came from the DC power elite, and not long after graduating college had a brand new business hugely funded from out of the blue. I had once visited his parent’s home in Northern Virginia and, even as a stupid goy, I noticed the neighborhood reeked of Jewry and serious money. I knew his dad was a very high-up muckity muck in international intelligence circles (exactly who and what, I’ll stay silent, if you don’t mind).

Now that I look back, I fully realize this was the first of many future encounters with the people that had ensnared the US in a web of utter deceit and selfish racial arrogance.

I also realize many folks coming here will reject all this because of they think “it’s all racist and hateful.” That’s precisely what these people want you to think. They work all through-out the media and political circles pushing the egalitarian, or pluralistic viewpoints and have been seriously promoted and funded by extremely rich and powerful International Jews.

You can easily see this in how the US is behind the NWO, “PC” social manipulations, flooding any White nations with non-White third worlders where they can and protecting the Zionist State of Israel (long a project of the “Money Trust”). In fact, you as a taxpayer and consumer are really paying for the whole shebang. “They” just don’t want to come to that logical conclusion.

Folks, we’re in a race war already. No doubt about it.

I didn’t come to this conclusion until many years later, I’m sad to say. But I did suspect enough to start looking at certain matters of history in depth to try to get a handle on the crap I was seeing happening to America. The America I thought was the “land of the free and brave” and all that jazz.

What I found disturbed me greatly.

To be continued…

– Phillip Marlowe

* I think many Whites were awakened to the Jewish control of the media when the young Channon and Christopher were murdered. They will be remembered.

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